
Enactus SGTB Khalsa is a dynamic student-led organization dedicated to promoting socialentrepreneurship and community impact through real-life projects. Guided by educators andsupported by business leaders, Our commitment to fostering social entrepreneurship is showcasedthrough various projects and participation in global competitions like the Enactus National BusinessExposition and the World Cup, where we connect with a global network of leaders to share andinspire impactful ideas.
Office Bearers ( 2023-2024)
- Convenor : Dr. Madhu
- Co-convenor : Ms. Sanchita Dhingra : Dept. of Commerce
- Member (Faculty) : Dr. Bunny Singh Bhatia : Dept. of Commerce
- Member (Faculty) : Mr. Daljeet Singh Bajaj : Department of Mathematics
- President : Chetanya Malik : B. Com. (Hons.)
- Vice President : Parth Delori : B. Com. (Prog.)
- Vice President : Vimanyu Jain : B.A. (Hons.) Business Economics
- General Secretary : Sehaj Kaur : B.A. (Hons.) Economics
The vision of Enactus SGTB Khalsa is to empower students to becomeinnovative leaders who drive positive social and environmental change through entrepreneurialinitiatives. The club seeks to create a dynamic, inclusive environment where students can develop theskills, knowledge, and mindset required to launch and scale ventures that address pressing societalissues.
By fostering collaboration among diverse student groups, the club envisions creating a network ofpassionate individuals who are committed to making a difference in the world. The goal is to bridgethe gap between business acumen and social impact, equipping students with the tools to designsustainable solutions that tackle problems like poverty, inequality, climate change, and education.
The club also envisions becoming a platform for social entrepreneurs to share their stories, exchangeideas, and collaborate with like-minded individuals. In doing so, it seeks to inspire the next generationof leaders to use entrepreneurship as a tool for addressing the world’s most pressing challenges,proving that business can—and should—be a force for good. Ultimately, the club aims to cultivate acommunity where social entrepreneurship thrives, and every member is empowered to make atangible impact on society.
We identify pressing issues within our communities, empowering students to develop innovativesolutions that create meaningful social change. Our mission is centered on integrity, passion,innovation, and collaboration as we work to create a sustainable world. By merging academicknowledge with entrepreneurial action, Enactus Khalsa addresses complex challenges, drives socialimpact, and contributes to community resilience.
Society Activities
Poshan: It addresses undernourishment among underprivileged children by providing accessible,nutritious food solutions. Our flagship product, “Krispies,” is a fortified snack designed to fulfill thedietary requirements of children lacking adequate nutrition. Combining affordability with essentialnourishment, Krispies aims to improve the health and well-being of children, fostering communityinvolvement to create a sustainable impact. By addressing food security and health disparities,Project Poshan contributes to a healthier and more resilient future for vulnerable children and theirfamilies
Hifazat: Driven by the motto "Swachta ka irada, hifazat ka vaada," Project Hifazat tackles wastemismanagement by supporting communities facing disposal challenges. Through this initiative,collected waste is transformed into high-quality compost marketed as seedballs. This innovativeapproach not only mitigates waste disposal issues but also promotes environmental sustainability byenhancing soil health and agricultural productivity. Project Hifazat further supports the local economyby creating green jobs, boosting crop yields, and promoting long-term community resilience andgrowth.
Naina: The project focuses on providing affordable eye health solutions, especially for underservedcommunities. Through early diagnosis, corrective measures, and affordable services, the project aimsto prevent and mitigate vision impairments. Awareness campaigns and accessible eye care servicesare key components of Project Naina, which seeks to improve the quality of life and ensure clearvision for all. By fostering preventative healthcare practices, this project is crucial for promotingholistic well-being and equitable health access
Ehtiyaat: The project addresses the environmental crisis of plastic waste by developing innovativeupcycling solutions. This project transforms discarded plastic into valuable, usable products, reducingenvironmental harm while promoting sustainability and resource efficiency. Through communityengagement and creative recycling methods, Project Ehtiyaat cultivates a culture of responsibleconsumption and aims to create a cleaner, eco-friendly future. The project generates localemployment opportunities and builds awareness of sustainable practices, ultimately contributing to acircular economy.