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The college Library is a well- stocked Library with a collection of more than 1,45,300 books, titles on different disciplines, 7 Indian journals, 28 Magazines and 27 Newspapers. The library has an institutional membership with UGC-N-LIST program. The library is connected with Delhi University wide area campus networking system and provides access to electronic resources to its users from Delhi University Library System (DULS) and UGC-INFONET Consortium. A student becomes a member of the library automatically after taking admission to the College. The Library has and excellent collection of text, general and reference books to support academic requirements of students and faculty members. It caters the needs of the students at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level to support research and learning. The Library services are automated. The Annual General Budget of the Library for the books is to the sum of Rs. 13,65,000/- (Rupees Thirteen Lakhs Sixty Five Thosuand Only). Library has a separate section of 8000 classics and other reference books on Sikh studies. Around 2000 books of various subjects are added annually.
The library is computerized and books are bar-coded and made easily accessible through OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). The library has gate security check system with 32 CCTV cameras installed to monitor. The library preserves all the editions of the college magazine “THE TEGH” with the first edition published in 1953.
The Library is housed in three floor building. It has been organized as follows:
- The ground floor of the Library has circulation counter, online public access catalogue, processing section and stacks.
- The first floor has the Text -books section, Reference- books section, Periodical section and Teacher’s reading room.
- The second floor is a reading room with seating capacity of 200 students,
- LCD projector is also installed on the second floor of the Library which can be used for orientation and training programs.
Workshops &Training Programmes organized by the Library
Library Orientation Programme: the Orientation Programme is conducted at the commencement of new academic session every year. Students were oriented towards library for its collection, services, and facilities etc. in batches.
N-LIST Demo Classes: twice in a week to train the students with e-resources and also collect the feedback.
Library Internship Programme: Library Science students have been recruited as Internee for one month in the College Library. They have been trained to work in all sections of the Library.
New Arrival List: The list of the new books added to the library is prepared on the computer and is displayed in the reading hall periodically for the Information of the users.
Question Bank and Syllabus: Library provides scanned and hard copies of previous year question papers and syllabus of various subjects for consultation and Xerox.
New Initatives:
- The process of making the library fully air conditioned is underway.
- The web page of the Library is also functional for all.