
Attendance Rules

  • To be eligible to appear for the semester-end examinations conducted by the University of Delhi, a student must maintain a minimum attendance of 67% in each course of their undergraduate program during every semester.
  • Medical certificates will be considered for calculating attendance only in cases where a student does not meet the minimum attendance requirement for appearing in the semester-end examinations.
  • In undergraduate courses, 25% of the total marks for each paper are allocated to Internal Assessment, while the remaining 75% are assigned to the annual/semester University Examination. Of the 25% Internal Assessment, 5% is specifically reserved for regularity in attending lectures and tutorials.
  • The scheme for Internal Assessment will currently apply only to students enrolled in the regular stream, with exceptions outlined in the Appendix. This scheme does not apply to students of the School of Open Learning (formerly the School of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education), the Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, or the External Candidates Cell.
Attendance Weightage University of Delhi Internal Assessment Scheme