Date : 04 Sep - 04 Sep

The Talk on the "Role of Minorities in Nation Building" was held with the aim to remember and honour the various contributions of Sikhs in the political, cultural, and socio-economic facets of the nation. Anhad - The Divinity Society, commenced the program with kirtan. Then, Ms. Armeen Kaur opened the event by briefing the audience on the revolutionary ideas of the Sikh Gurus, Sikhism as a philosophy, and its outlook, along with the basic principles of Sikhism that urge society to always move towards egalitarian ideals. Dr. Guntasha Tulsi furthered the discourse and highlighted the social constructivism brought forth by Sikh leaders like Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the teaching of Dasvandh, and the martial front created by commanders like Banda Singh Bahadur. Moving on to modern times, she discussed the role of Gurudwaras and Sikh social service bodies like Khalsa Aid and how they proved crucial in resolving the Covid-19 crisis in India. Professor Harbans Singh convened the event and invited Principal Prof. Jaswinder Singh to address the audience and welcome the Chief Guests along with the Speaker, S. Satnam Singh Sandhu, Chancellor of Chandigarh University, to the college. S. Satnam Singh Sandhu's speech emphasised on the role of an educationist in modern times. He talked about the relevance of the role of minorities in changing the modern society, especially pertaining to academic spaces. He furthered the vision of nation-building based on the tenets of Aakar (shaping the idea of the nation), Kirdar, and Vikaar. He closed the Talk with remarks on the duty of the state towards minorities and the responsibilities of minorities towards the state, he conclusively thanked the college and organisers. The Talk closed with a vote of thanks from Principal Sir Jaswinder Singh.