Ms. Shweta Khilnani
Assistant Professor English
Contact (Off.): 9953667114
Email Address : shweta@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address : A-279, Ground Floor, Shivalik, Malviya Nagar
Web-Page : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0NQa-X8AAAAJ&hl=en
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Digital cultures, digital literature, visual cultures, popular culture, science fiction, affect theory, critical theory
Educational Qualifications
PhD Scholar, Department of English, University of Delhi 2019-
Proposed Dissertation Title: Media Matters: Literary, Affective and Political Nuances of Digital Narratives
MPhil, Department of English, University of Delhi 2013-2015
English Literature (First Division with Distinction)
Dissertation Title: “‘Where Do All the Money Go?’: Capitalism, Totality and Representation in
The Wire”
Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi 2011-2013
MA in English Literature with 68.62%
Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi 2008-2011
BA with Honours in English Literature with 61%
Department of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Delhi 2009-2012
Advanced Diploma in Spanish
Career Profile
- Assistant Professor , July 2019- Present , SGTB Khalsa College, DU
- Assistant Professor , July 2016-2019 , Maitreyi College, DU
- Assistant Professor , January 2016- July 2016 , Kamala Nehru College, DU
- Assistant Professor , January 2014-January 2016 , Deshbandhu College, DU
Subjects Taught
Indian Classical Literature, Popular Literature, Literature of Indian Diaspora, Romantic Literature, Indian Writing in English, Partition Literature, Children's Literature, GE Comic Books and Graphic Novels, SEC, VAC
Administrative Assignments
- Faculty Advisor, Echo, English Department Annual Newsletter, 2020-21
- Staff Advisor, English Literary Society, 2021-23
- Member, Publishing and Social Media Committee, 2024- present.
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
Distinguished Panelist at the TSCMS Curtain Raiser on "Understanding Digital Worlds" organised by IDEAS - Office of Interdisciplianry Studies, Jindal Global University on May 18, 2024.
Participated in Workshop titled “The Work-in-Progress” for Social Media Researchers” organised by the ECREA Digital Cultures and Communications on October 12, 2022.
“Why so serious?: Stand-up Comedy and Enjoyment in 21st century India” (co-presented with Sakshi Dogra) at the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting 2022, organised at National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
“Feel-ing Poetry: Affective Aesthetics of Instapoetry” at the Young Researcher’s Conference on As a Matter of Affect: Making Sense of Planetarity, organised by Jamia Islamia Milia University, 03 December 2021.
“The Politics of Social Media: East Asia Home Vloggers” at the Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts 2021, Berlin on Digital Matters: Designing/ Performing Agency for the Anthropocene, 06 September 2021.
Co-organized workshop titled “Mythos of Possible Futures: Re-presenting Science Fiction in India” at SGTB Khalsa College on 21 January 2021.
“The Digital is Personal: Affect, Feminine Identity and Instapoetry” at Reading #Instapoetry, University of Glasgow, 2020.
“New Media/New Dissent: Affect and Feminine Agency in Indian Digital Space” at National Conference titled “Movement: Body, Space, Politics” on 7-8 November 2019 at Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
“Man gotta live what he know: Utopia/Dystopia and Cognitive Mapping in The Wire” at National Conference, “Texts, Utopias and Dystopias” on 4 April 2019 at St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi.
Publications Profile
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
“#Instapoetry in India: The Aesthetic of the Digital Vernacular.” European Journal of English Studies, 27(1), 14-32, 2023.
“Sensations and Solidarity: Affect, ambience, and politics in digital literary narratives”. NECSUS European Journal of Media Studies. #Solidarity 10(2021-06-05), 173-193.
“Laughing Matters: Stand-up comedy and enjoyment in the age of late capitalism” (Co-authored with Sakshi Dogra). Studies in South Asian Film and Media. 11.1(2020), 133-146.
“The Case of Bhimayana and the Search for a New Dalit Aesthetic”. Lapiz Lazuli. Vol. 5, No. 2. Autumn 2015. ISSN 2249-4529.
“The Postcolonial Paradigm in Walter Benjamin’s Views on Translation”. Muse India Issue No. 64, Nov-Dec 2015. ISSN 0975-1815
Edited Volumes
Science Fiction in India: Parallel Worlds and Postcolonial Paradigms (Co-edited with Ritwick Bhattacharjee) Bloomsbury, New Delhi, 2022.
Imagining Worlds, Mapping Possibilities: Select Science Fiction Stories (Co-edited with Sakshi Dogra), Worldview Publications, New Delhi, 2020.
Book Chapters
“Immersive Ambience: Encoding a Digital Poetics of Instapoetry.” Affecting World-Making: Routing Planetary Thought. Edited by Simi Malhotra, Sakshi Dogra and Jubi C. John, Routledge, 2024.
"Eat, Sleep, Read, Repeat: Excess and Enjoyment in Tomie." Serial Killers and Serial Spectators. Edited by Anhiti Patnaik and Elana Gomel, Brill 2024.
“Will the Revolution be Tweeted: New Femininities in Indian Digital Space.” Contemporary Gender Movements in India: Space, Conformity, Dissent and New Space-Time Continuums. Bloomsbury. Edited by Nandini Dhar and Peerzada Raouf Ahmad . 2022.
“I, Cyborg: Posthumaning the Bildungsroman” (Co-authored with Sakhi Dogra). Speculation and Detection: Explorations in Genre Fiction. Edited by Shraddha A. Singh, Worldview Publications, 2022.
“‘Moving’ Poetry: Affect and Aesthetic in Instapoetry”. Inhabiting Cyberspace in India: Theory, Perspective and Challenges. Edited by Simi Malhotra, Sakshi Dogra and Kanika Sharma. Springer Link, 2021, 135-142.
“Embodying Horror: Corporeal and Affective Dread in Junji Ito’s Tomie”. Horror Fiction in the Global South: Cultures, Narratives and Representations. Edited by Ritwick Bhattacharjee and Saikat Ghosh, Bloomsbury, 2020, 29-38.
Web-based articles
“Of Home, History, Humans and Beyond: Book Review of The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction Vol. 2”. The Beacon, 12 February 2022.
“Of Nasty and Unlikeable Women: Veep and the Comedic Female Anti-Hero.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Television and Media Culture. 24 April 2017.
Awards and Distinctions
Electronic Literature Organisation Annual Fellowship, 2023-2024
Dr. N.S. Pradhan Award conferred by University of Delhi for academic excellence at Masters level in 2014.
Association With Professional Bodies
- Fellow, Electronic Literature Organisation, 2023-2024.
- Annual Member, American Comparative Literature Association, 2022-23.
- Junior Research Fellowship awarded by University Grants Commission in 2013 to conduct M.Phil research work.
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
One-Week Online National Faculty Development Programme on Creative Writing, GAD TLC under the PMMMNMTT, 2022.
One-Month Online National Faculty Induction Programme, GAD TLC under the PMMMNMTT, June 2023
NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme GAD MMTTCC under the PMMMNMTT, April 2024.