Courses Offered
B.Sc.(Hons) Botany, B.Sc.(Prog) life Sciences
Discipline Specific Core Papers: B.Sc.(Hons) Botany
Semester I (NEP-UGCF)
- Plant Diversity and Evolution
- Cell Biology: Organelles and Biomolecules
- Basic Laboratory and Field Skills in Plant Biology
Semester II (NEP-UGCF)
- Microbiology and Plant-Microbe Interactions
- Plant Resources and Economic Botany
- Plant Systematics
Semester III (NEP-UGCF)
- Phycology - The World of Algae
- Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms
- Genetics & Plant Breeding
Semester IV (NEP-UGCF)
- Mycology
- Ecology and Conservation
- Development al Biology of Angiosperms: Form, Anatomy & Function
Semester V (NEP-UGCF)
- Molecular Biology of the Cell
- Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms
- Plant Physiology
Semester VI (NEP-UGCF)
- Plant Biotechnology
- Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism
- Advanced tools & Analytical Techniques in Plant Biology