Dr. Gurdeep Kaur Sura
Assistant Professor Punjabi
Email Address : gurdeep@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address : Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Punjabi Short Story & Literary Criticism
Educational Qualifications
2015 : Ph.D. : Department of Punjabi, Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi
2010 : MPhil Punjabi : Department of Punjabi, Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi
2006 : MA Punjabi : Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi (University Gold Medalist)
2004 : BA (H) Punjabi : Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi
- 2013 : UGC NET
Career Profile
- Assistant Professor (Permanent) , 2022-Current , Department of Punjabi, Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi
- Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc) , 2016-2022 , Department of Punjabi, Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi
- Guest Lecturer , 2014-2016 , Department of Punjabi, Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi
- Guest Lecturer , 2015-2016 , Department of Punjabi, Lakshmi Bai College, University of Delhi
- Guest Lecturer , 2011-2013 , Department of Punjabi, Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi
- Guest Lecturer , 2009-2010 , Department of Punjabi, Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi
- Guest Lecturer , 2007-2008 , Department of Punjabi, Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi
Subjects Taught
- BA (H) Punjabi II Semester "Medieval and Modern Punjabi Prose"(Core)
- BA (H) Punjabi III Semester "Learning Skill of Computerization of Punjabi Language" (AEEC), "Modern Punjabi Poetry" (Core) and "Punjabi Folklore and Culture" (Core)
- BA (H) Punjabi IV Semester "Punjabi Language, Script and Grammar" (Core) and "Learning Skill of Translation" (AEEC)
- BA (H) Punjabi V Semester "Theory of Literature and Indian Poetics" (Core), "Indian Literature" (DSE) and "Life Sketch" (DSE)
- BA (H) Punjabi VI Semester "Pakistani Punjabi Literature" (Core) and "Punjabi Epic Poetry" (DSE)
- All Combine Courses I & II Semester "Punjabi C" (AECC)
- BA & BCom (Prog) II Semester "Punjabi Novel, Drama and Functional Punjabi" (MIL Core), "Modern Punjabi Prose and Functional Punjabi" (MIL Core I-B) and "Punjabi Folk Drama and Functional Punjabi" (MIL Core I-C)
- BCom (Prog) IV Semester "Ethics : Literary Responses and Functional Punjabi" (MIL Core 2-B)
- BA & BCom (P) V Semester "Punjabi Long Poem and Functional Punjabi" (GE)
- BA & BCom (P) VI Semester "Punjabi Drama and Functional Punjabi" (GE)
- BA (Prog) IV Semester "Learning Skill of Film Making" (AEEC)
- BA (Prog) V Semester "Creative Writing in Punjabi " (AEEC)
- MA Punjabi I Semester "Madhkali Punjabi Birtantak Kaav" (Core)
- MA Punjabi IV Semester "Bhasha Vigiyan ate Punjabi Bhash" (Core)
Administrative Assignments
- Member, Organizing Committee of Annual Prize Distribution Function.
- Member, Organizing Committee of Student Welfare Committee
- Member, Organizing Committee of College Festival ‘LASHKARA’
- Member, College NCC wing
- Member, College NSS
- Editor, My Khalsa Section of College magazine ‘TEGH’. (2014-18)
- Editor, Punjabi Section of College Magazine TEGH
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
- Member, Media Press and Reporting Team, "First Sikh History Congress - 2023" organized by Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi from January 5-7, 2023.
Publications Profile
Research Articles :
- Kuj Shishe Jhooth Bolde Ne : Pathgat Adhiyan, published in UGC Approved research Journal 'Aabru' (April-June 2023) (ISSN : 2456-253X)
Books Published :
- Gurdeep Kaur (2017) Navi Punjabi Kahanni : Uttar-Sanrachnaawaadi Pravachan, Delhi: National Book Shop (ISBN : 978-81-7116-699-2)
- Gurdeep Kaur (2017) Japji : Sanrachnaatmak Pravachan, Delhi: National Book Shop (ISBN : 978-81-7116-698-5)
Co-Edited Books :
- Litt, Harbans Singh, Gurdeep Kaur, Bhupinder Pal Singh (Eds) (2016) Gadar Kav Goonjan, Delhi: Manpreet Prakashan (ISBN : 81-87654-24-7)
- Litt, Harbans Singh, Gurdeep Kaur, Bhupinder Pal Singh (Eds) (2016) Banni Guru Tegh Bahadur, Delhi: H.K. Prakashan (ISBN : 81-87762-52-7)
Chapters in Books :
- Gurdeep Kaur (2023) Guru, Baani te Shhaadat : Tiyaag da Sankalp in Kamal Jeet Singh (Dr.) (Ed) Dharam Het Sakaa Jin Kiaa, Delhi: Manpreet Prakashan. (ISBN : 81-87654-244-4)
- Gurdeep Kaur (2022) Ranna Surat Singh: Yaad te Rishtean di Tasveer in Jasvinder Singh (Prof), & Harbans Singh (Prof.) (Eds) Punjabi Sahit da Gaurav: Bhai Vir Singh, Delhi: Manpreet Prakashan. (ISBN : 81-87654-23-6)
- Gurdeep Kaur (2017) Punjabi Lok-Kahannian ate Naitikta in Jaspal Kaur, Manjeet Singh, L. Harbans Singh (Eds) Naitikta : Sahitak Parvachan, Delhi: Manpreet Prakashan. (ISBN : 81-87654-65-4)
- Gurdeep Kaur (2014) ‘Samkali Punjabi Kavita vich Itihaas Bodh’ in Amritpal Kaur (Ed.) Adhunik Punjabi Kavita Praptian te Sambhavnavan (Third World Punjabi Sahit Conference 27-29 November, 2013 organised by Punjabi Sahit Adhiyan Vibhag), Patiala, Punjab: Publication Bureau, Punjabi University. (ISBN : 978-81-302-0304-1)
Translations :
- Translated a book from Sanskrit to Punjabi SRIMADUDHAMASIMHACARITA (2019) publisher Devavani Parishad, Delhi. (ISBN : 978-81-85924-38-0)
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
Faculty Induction Programme :
- Competed 4-weeks Induction/Orientation Programme for Faculty in University/ Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education with A+ Grade, conducted by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, Delhi under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching held from April 16-May 15, 2021.
- Completed one month Faculty Induction Program of the Ministry of HRD, Government of India organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi held form December 16, 2017 – January 13, 2018.
Refresher Course :
- Completed two week online Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on "Cinema, Society and Education" with A+ Grade, conducted by IQAC Atma Ram Sanatan Dharam College in Collaboration with Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, Delhi under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching held from April 06-19, 2021.
- Completed Inter-Disciplinary and Multi Lingual Two-Week Refresher Course/Faculty Development Programme on "Managing Online Classes & Co-creating MOOCs 4.0 " with A+ Grade, conducted by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, Delhi under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching held from March 11-26, 2021.
Faculty Development Programme :
- Completed One Week Faculty Development Programme on "Open Source Tools for Research" with A+ Grade, conducted by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, Delhi under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching held from April 03-09, 2021.
- Completed one week Faculty Development Programme on topic "ICT Tools for Online Teaching" conducted by Center for excellence Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi, held from June 09-13, 2020.
Workshops :
- Seven Day Online "Workshop on Punjabi Language and Computer" Jointly organized by Department of Punjabi, University of Delhi, Delhi and Research Centre for Technical Development of Punjabi Language, Literature and Culture (RCTDPL), Punjabi University, Patiala from January 18-24, 2022.
- One day "Workshop on Anti-Plagiarism ICT Tools" organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre of MHRD at SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on October 4, 2017.
- Faculty Empowerment Workshop on "Awareness on e-Learning and MOOCs" Held at Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Center of MHRD at SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on February 3, 2017.
- Workshop/Orientation Programme of Punjabi Teachers to discuss about the syllabi of Uniform Choice Based Credit System on 15 and 18 May 2015 and 27 April 2015.