Dr. Kawaljeet Kaur
Assistant Professor Punjabi
Email Address : kawaljeet@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address : Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007.
Areas of Interest / Specialization
- Punjabi Short Stories & Literary Criticism
- Gurmat
Educational Qualifications
- 2021 : Ph.D : Department of Punjabi, Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi.
- 2013 : MPhil Punjabi : Department of Punjabi, Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi.
- 2011 : M.A Punjabi : Mata Sundri college, University of Delhi.
- 2008 : B.Com (P) : Mata Sundri College, University of Delhi.
- 2019 : UGC NET
Career Profile
- Assistant Professor (Permanent) , 2022- Current , Department of Punjabi, Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur khalsa College, University of Delhi
- Guest Lecturer , Dec 2021-Jul 2022 , Department of Punjabi, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa college, University of Delhi.
- Guest Lecturer , Jan 2020-Dec 2020 , Department of Punjabi, Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi.
Subjects Taught
- BA(Prog.) Punjabi I Semester “Modern Punjabi Story, Sufi Poetry and Functional Punjabi” (DSC)
- BA(Prog.) Punjabi I Semester “Punjabi Folk-Drama and Functional Punjabi” (Core-MIL)
- BA(Prog.) Punjabi I Semester “Punjabi-A, Advance Level” (AECC)
- BA(Prog.) Punjabi IV Semester “Learning Skill of Art of Theatre” (SEC)
- BA(H) Punjabi V Semester “World Literature” (DSE)
- BA(H) Punjabi VI Semester “Literature on Partition and Holocaust (DSE)
- BA(H) Punjabi V Semester “Learning Skill of Drama and Theatre (AEEC)
- BA&Bcom (P) Punjabi III Semester “Punjabi Auto-biography and Functional Punjabi (Core-MIL)
- BA&BCom (P) Punjabi III Semester “Punjabi Drama and Functional Punjabi (GE)
- BA(H) Punjabi I Semester “Punjabi Sabhiyachar” NEP (DSC)
- BA(H) Punjabi II Semester “Adhunik Punjabi Kahani” NEP (DSC)
- BA(H) Punjabi I Semester “Punjabi Bhasha da Uchtam Padhar” NEP (AEC)
- BA(H) Punjabi I Semester “Punjabi Bhasha da Uchera Padhar” NEP (AEC)
- BA(H) Punjabi III Semester “Anuvad Kala” NEP (SEC)
- BA(H) Punjabi I Semester “Sirjnatmak lekhan”NEP (SEC)
- BA&BCom(P) Punjabi V Semester “Adhunik Punjabi Kahani” NEP (GE)
- BA&BCom(P) Punjabi III “Punjabi Bhasha te media” NEP (AEC)
- MA Punjabi II Semester “Punjabi Kahanni” (core)
- MA Punjabi III Semester “Punjabi Lok Sahit”
- MA Punjabi II Semester “Tulnatmak Vishav Sahit”
- MA Punjabi IV Semester “Tulnatmak Bharti Sahit”
Administrative Assignments
- Member, Divinity Society
- Editor, Punjabi Section of College Magazine TEGH (2023)
- Member, Calendar Committee
- Member, Admission committee, Punjabi Department (2022-till date)
- Member, Social Media Committee
- Member, Acrostic Society
- Member, College NCC wing
- Member, College NSS
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
- ‘Rashpinder Rashim dian kahanian de samajak Sarokar ate sandarbh’ in One Day National Seminar on “Punjabi Sahit De Samajak Sarokar ate Sandarbh” organised by Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi.
- ‘Pari Lok Di Sir Karawan : Naitikata Di Nirmankari’ in Seminar organised by Punjabi Lok Manch, Delhi.
- ‘Rani Naginder De kahani Sangrahi : Katha Sarokar’ in International Conference on “Parvasi Punjabi Sahit :Ajoke sandharb vich” organised by Gujranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana.
- ‘Guru Nanak Bani : Adhiyatam Chetna vich naari Hond’ in National Conference on “Revisiting the life and teachings of Guru Nanak : A philosophical perspective” organised by Guru Ram Dass college of Education, Delhi.
- ‘Guru Tegh Bahadur ji di Bani : Jivan Mukti Da Sankap’ in International Conference on “Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji: Spiritual Legacy and Jouneys ” organised by Akal University, Talwandi Sabo.
- ‘Dharti Hor Pare Hor Hor : Pathgat Adhyan’ in National Seminar organised by Dyal Singh (eve.) college.
- ‘Ghadar lehar te Baba Jawala Singh Thathia : Jevan te Vichardhara’ in International Conference on “Ghadar Movement and the role of Indian Diaspora in India’s Freedom Struggle’ organised by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College, Delhi.
- 'Digital Yug te Punjabi Sahit : Antar-sanvad' in First National Winter Language Conference on "Language and Literature in Digital Era" organised by Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, University of Delhi.
Publications Profile
Research Articles :
- Rashpinder Rashim Dian Kahanian de Samajak Sarokaar, published in peer reviewed Journal 'Ajoke Shilalekh' (Oct-Dec 2019) (ISSN 2348-2664)
- Kahani Sangrah Pari Lok De Sair Karava : Naitikta De Nirmankaari, published in UGC approved Journal 'Asbru' (July-Sep) (ISSN : 2456-253X)
- Khul Ja Sim Sim : Kaav Sarokaar, published in UGC approved Journal 'Shabad' (July 2023) (ISSN 2278-5167)
Chapter in Book :
- Kawaljeet Kaur (2020) Rashpinder Rashim Dian Kahanian de Samajak Sarokaar in Dr. Kamaljit singh (ED.) Punjabi Sahit De Samajik Sarokar Ate Sadharbh, Delhi: M.P. Parkashan (ISBN: 81-8138-013-4)
- Kawaljeet Kaur (2023) Bhai VIr Singh de Sahitak Patar : Aatam Sanvad to Aatam Manthan tak in Prof. Jaswinder Singh, Prof. Harbans Singh (Eds.) Punjabi Sahit da Gaurav : Bhai Vir Singh, Delhi : Manpreet Prakashan (ISBN : 81-87654-23-6)
- Kawaljeet Kaur (2024) Muh diyan Chala : Kaav Sarokaar in Prof. Jaspal kaur (Ed.) Surinder Geet Rachit Sahit : Chintani Paripekh, Fatehgarh Chhanna : Rethink Books (ISBN : 978-93-48092-67-0)
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
Faculty Induction Programme :
- Completed 4-weeks Induction/Orientation Programme for Faculty in University/college/ Institutes of Higher Education with 'A+' Grade, conducted by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching held from 23 April-22 May, 2023.
Faculty Development Programme:
- Completed One week National Faculty Development Programme on 'Understanding Sikh History For Higher Education' with 'A' Grade, jointly conducted by Indian Council of Historical Research, Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, Delhi sikh Gurdwara Management committee, Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching held from 5th Jan to 11th Jan 2023.
Workshop :
- Participated in 'Workshop on Typesetting Indian Languages using LaTex' held on March 21-23, 2024, orgainzed by Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi.
Programme :
- Participated in 'International Conference on Bhai Vir Singh : Times, Writings & Legacy' held on December 1-2, 2022 orgainzed by Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadam in association with Shitya Akademi, Delhi and SGTB khalsa College, University of Delhi.
- Participated in Bridge Course 'Punjabi Language and Scritp' held on Jan 17-22, 2022 orgainzed by Sri Guru Nanak Dev khalsa College, University of Delhi.
- Participated in One Day National Seminar, “?????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ??????:????????? ??? ?????????”, held on Feb 28, 2023 organized by Bhartiy Bhasha Samiti and Department of Punjabi, University of Delhi.
- Participated in G20 Cultural Programme/Quiz/Symposium/Discussion/ Slogan writing held on Aug 24, 2023 organized by Akashvani, Delhi.