Ms.Mansi Bansal Mansi Bansal
Associate Professor Commerce
Email Address : mansi@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address :
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Marketing -Consumer Behaviour ,Investment related areas
Educational Qualifications
Name University Year
PHD(Thesis Submitted ) GGSIP University,Delhi 2024
MPhil Dept of Business Economics,DU 2004
MCom Delhi University 1999
BCom(H) SGGSC,DU 1997
Cleared DOEACC "O" Level Examination
Career Profile
- Associate Professor , 2014 till date , SGTB Khalsa College,DU
- Assistant Professor , 2005 to 2014 , SGTB Khalsa College,DU
- Assistant Professor , 2001 to 2005 , SGTB Khalsa College,DU
- Assistant Professor , 2000 to 2001 , Dayal Singh College,DU
Subjects Taught
Marketing and Other behavior sciences: Principles of Marketing,Organizational Behavior; Management accounting,HRM,Investment Management,Corporate Governance
Administrative Assignments
- Convenor "TeghPreneurs"(E Cell) .
- Convenor Staff Room Commitee.
- Convenor Girls Common Room Commitee.
- Treasurer and executive member of Staff Association.
- Teacher Representative on Governing Body (2016-2017).
- Member of Internal Assessment Committee of the Departmemt.
- Part of NAAC committes at college and Department Level..
- Member of Screening Committe for Faculty Appointments in Commerce Department
- Member of Women Development Cell
- Member of Time Table Committee (2023,2022,2021,2018.2017,2016,2015)
- Coordinator of Magazine society of the department of commerce in 2015,2016,2017. Convenor of Business Cafe 2023-2024 and 2024-2025.Coconvenor in 2022-2023. Has been releasing the magazine " SPECTRACOM" and " BEIZGEIST" in these years.
- Regularly evaluating papers of B.Com (H) /B.com for the papers taught in each semester.
- Have been Regular Paper setter for University Exams for computer and management papers.
- Have set papers for Home Examination for B.Com (H)/B.Com.
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
- Presented a paper titled” New Age Marketing practices of Health Insurance Companies “in 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Business Trends organised by Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management ,NIT, Srinagar on 8th July 2023.
- Presented a paper titled” Health Insurance Services-Contribution to Sustainibility Goals” New Age Marketing practices of Health Insurance Companies “in 3rd International Conference organised by Shyam College, University of Delhi on 18 April 2023.
- Presented a paper titled” Exploring the impact of Hr Analytics on Organisational Performance- Review and Analysis “in ICIBM Conference organised by ARSD College, University of Delhi on 13 May 2024.
- Organized an online national FDP on business data analysis using R software from 28th April to 14 may 2023 under Guru Angad Dev TLC at SGTB Khalsa College, centre of Ministry of Education under PMMMNMTT.
Publications Profile
1.Bansal,M(2024), Mapping the Knowledge Landscape of Health Insurance for the poor- A Bibliometric Review,Library Progress International,Vol 44,No 3,July-Dec 2024,p 6218-6235.
2.Bansal,M(2024), Towards Customer Satisfaction and Sustainibility-A comparitive study on the marketing strategies in Health Insurance ,Library Progress International,Vol 44,No 3,July-Dec 2024,p 9030-9054.
Association With Professional Bodies
Lifetime Member of Indian Commerce Association
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
- FDP on Moocs and E-Content development with Grade ‘A’, at Guru Angad Dev TLC at SGTB Khalsa College. A centre of Ministry of Education under PMMMNMTT from 25th May to 31st May 2023.
- Attended One week FDP organized by Guru Angad Dev TLC,SGTB Khalsa College with Grade A from 16 February to 22 February 2023.
- Attended One week Faculty Development Programme from 4th to 8th July 2022 organised by USMS,GGSIP university, Delhi.
- Attended One week FDP organized by Guru Angad Dev TLC,SGTB Khalsa College with Grade A+ from 31 May to 6 June 2022.
- Attended Two-week refresher Course from 23 August 2021-^ September 2021 organised by ARSD College, DU in association with TLC, Ramanujan College with Grade A+.
- Attended Two weeks FDP on Research Methodology from 10 December to 23 December 2020 organised by TLC, Ramanujan College with Grade A+.
- Attended One week FDP on Research Methodology from 3rd July 2020 to 9th July 2020organised by School of business and management Studies, CUH, Mahendergarh in association with ICSSR.
- Attended Webinar on Online Safety for women on 26 May 2020 by Jesus and Mary College, DU in association with Internet and Mobile Association of India.
- Attended one week FDP on Entrepreneurship, Incubation and Innovation from June23,2020 to June 29,2020 organised by TLC, Ramanujan College, DU with Grade A+.
- One Week FDP on Open Tools for Research from June8,2020 to June 14,2020 organised by TLC, Ramanujan College, DU with Grade A+.
- Cleared SWAYAM ARPIT ONLINE Refresher Course in Management organized by Banasthali VidyaPeeth in 2019.
- Cleared SWAYAM ARPIT ONLINE Refresher Course in Financial Markets and Emerging Business Models organized by University of Kerela in 2020.
- Cleared SWAYAM ARPIT ONLINE Refresher Course in Commerce organized by SRCC in 2020.
- Attended International Conference on Guru Nanak Philosophy and Legacy on February 22, 2019 organised by SGTB Khalsa College,DU.
- Attended one week FDP on “Entrepreneurship ,Motivation and Leadership” Delhi from December 24, 2018 to December 30 , 2018 organised by ARSD College,DU and NIESBUD.
- Attended National Workshop on Academic Leadership on February 6 organised by Guru Angad dev Teaching Learning center, SGTB Khalsa College,DU.
- Attended National seminar on E-Learning and MOOCs in Higher Education on March 29, 2017 organised by Guru Angad dev Teaching Learning center, SGTB Khalsa College,DU.
- Attended National Seminar on New Role of teachers in technology driven higher Education on March1, 2017 organised by Guru Angad dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College,DU.
- Attended FDP on Computer Applications in Business for educators on January 20 -21, 2017 0rganised by Guru Angad dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College
- Attended Workshop on Basic IT Skill for educators from September 17, 2016 to September 19, 2016 organised by Guru Angad dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College,DU.
- Attended FDP on “E-Filling of returns” on August 6, 2016 organised by IAA, Delhi Chapter.
- Attended FDP on “ Various aspects of E-Business” from July12 2016 to July 18,2016 organised by Zakir Hussain College,DU in association with ICSSR.