Prof. Sukhvir Singh
Professor Commerce
Contact (Off.): 9354100561
Email Address : sukhvirs@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Finance and Accounting
Educational Qualifications
B Com
M Com
Phd In Finance from University Business School Panjab University Chandigarh
Career Profile
Subjects Taught
Business Statstics
Financial Management
Markting Management
Business Mathematics
Cost Accounting
Management Accounting
Public Administration
Administrative Assignments
- Convener Purchase Committee, SGTB Khalsa college, University of Delhi, for the period 2017-2020
- Convener Maintenance Committee, SGTB Khalsa college, University of Delhi, for the period 2017-2020
- Member of canteen Committee , SGTB Khalsa college, University of Delhi, for the period 2017-2020
- Member of Library Committee , SGTB Khalsa college, University of Delhi, for the period 2017-2020
- Member of Building Committee , SGTB Khalsa college, University of Delhi, for the period 2017-2020
- Coordinator of Placement Committee, Department of Commerce , SGTB Khalsa college, University of Delhi, for the period 2017-2020
- Acted as Center Superintendent and Observer in conducting of various university examinations since 2006
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
- Paper Titled," Demonetisation and its impact on Indian Economy," presented in National seminar on Emerging issues in commerce and business management on 7th January 2017, organised by Hans Raj College, University of Delhi , Delhi, India
- Paper Titled," Consolidated of banks in India: An Empirical Analysis of COB and HDFC Bank Merger" presented in National seminar on Service sector: Opportunities and Challenges on 26th March 2008 organised by Punjabi University Patiala
- Paper Titled," Employee attrition and retention strategies," presented in National seminar on Emerging issues in commerce and business management on 7th January 2017, organised by Hans Raj College, University of Delhi , Delhi, India
- Paper Titled," Voluntary Corporate Disclosure Practices: An Empirical analysis of industry-wise disclosure," presented in National seminar on Emerging issues in commerce and business management on 7th January 2017, organised by Hans Raj College, University of Delhi , Delhi, India
- Paper titled “Analysis of Investment Behavior and financial literacy among women”, presented in international vitual conference on Nurturing and transforming economic and business practices with innovation in global market on 9th to 10th October 2021 organized by B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology & Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Paper titled “Trends of Financial Technology Adoption during COVID Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Review, presented in the Technical Session III of 1st International Conference on "Emerging Issues in Business and Economic Research" on 17-18, December 2021 organized by Department of Commerce, Rajdhani College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.
- Paper titled "Sustainability Of Heritage Tourism Development in Delhi" Presented Paper in the Technical Session VII of 1st International Conference on "Emerging Issues in Business and Economic Research" on 17-18, December, 2021 organized by Department of Commerce, Rajdhani College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.
- Paper Titled," Quality of Corporate Information Disclosure: A Stakeholders Perspective" presented in 44thAll India Accounting Conference and International Seminar on Accounting Education and Research, Organised by School of Commerce and Business Studies, Jiwaji university, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh in Association with Indian Accounting Association, Gwalior Branch on 29th-30th October, 2022
Participation in Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
- Participated in one day training Programme on "Designing/Formulating A Research Project Project" Organised by College Development council, Panjab University, Chandigarh on 22nd October 2005.
- Participated in one day National Seminar on "General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)- Emerging Issues " Organised by University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh on 27th October 2006.
- Participated in XXIX All India Accounting Conference and International Seminar on "Accounting Education and Research " Organised by Indian Accounting Association, Delhi Chapter, in Association with department of Commerce and SRCC, University of Delhi, on 22-23rd December 2006.
- Participated in Conference on "Paradigm Shift from Accounting Standards to International Financial Reporting Standards" Organised by SRCC, University of Delhi, on 28th November,2010.
- Participated in National seminar on "Contemporary Issues in Management" organised by Department of Business Economics, S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi on 23rd February, 2010.
- Participated in UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme ,organised by ASC, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla from 3rd May, 2010 to 29th May, 2010.
- Participated in UGC Sponsored Refresher course in Commerce and Business Management ,organised by ASC, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi from 29th November, 2010 to 22st December, 2010.
- Particpated in National conference on " Issue in International Trade During Globalisation Era" Organised by SRCC, university of Delhi, Delhi, on 19th November, 2010 to 20th November, 2010.
- Participated in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on " Financial Sector Reforms in India- The road Ahead" organised by Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, on 21-22nd January, 2011.
- Participated in the National Conference on " Mergers and Acquisitions- Issues, Opportunities and Challenge" organised by Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, on 20-21stnd January, 2011.
- Participated in the National Conference on " FDI in India: Response and Challenge" organised by Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, on 5-6th January, 2011.
- Participated in the National Seminar on " Role of Behavioural Finance in Indian Financial market" organised by Satyawati College, University of Delhi, Delhi, on 30th March, 2016.
- Participated in the UGC Sponsored National Conference on " Marketing in The 21st Century organised by Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, on 5-6th, 2016.
- Participated in Two days Faculty Empowerment Workshop for Commerce Teachers for teaching new CBCS Course," Computer Application in business" Organised by Guru Angad Dev ,TLC, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi, on 20-21st January, 2017.
- Participated in One days Faculty Empowerment Workshop for Commerce Teachers for teaching new CBCS Course," Computer Practicals in Business Mathematics" Organised by Guru Angad Dev ,TLC, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi, on 4th February, 2017.
- Participated in Seminar,"Goods and Services Tax" Organised by Deaprtment of Commerce, DSC and Department of Commerce, Hans Raj College, University of Delhi,on 15th February, 2017.
- Participated in UGC Sponsored National Seminar," on Guru Gobind Singh: Remembering Life and Legacy" Organised by SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi on 27th September 2017.
- Participated in Two weeks Workshop on " Research Methodology and Research Tools" organised by TLC, Ramanunjan College, University of Delhi, Delhi, from 03rd October to 13th October ,2018.
- Participated in Two weeks Faculty Development Programme,on "Academic Writing and Research Methodology(Interdisciplinary)" organised by TLC, Mahatma Hans Raj Faculty Development Centre, Hansraj College, University of Delhi, Delhi, from 16th November, 2018 to 29th November,2018.
- Participated in One week Workshop on " Transforming Life Style Through Yoga Darshan and It Functional Modes" TLC, Ramanunjan College, University of Delhi, Delhi, from 20th November,2020 to 26th November ,2018.
- Participated in One week Faculty Development Programme,on "Moving Towards New Normal through Effective Online Teaching" organised by TLC, Mahatma Hans Raj Faculty Development Centre, Hansraj College, University of Delhi, Delhi, from 1st December, 2020 to 7th December,2020.
- Participated in International conference on "Bhai Vir Singh: Times, writings and Legacy" Organised by Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan, New Delhi in Association with Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi and SGTB Khalsa college, University of Delhi, Delhi on 1-2nd December, 2022
Research Guidance
Supervised 5 M Phil and One PhD( Degrees awarded) and one PhD (Ongoing)
Publications Profile
- Singh Sukhvir and Arora Monika (2021)," Measuring Financial Literacy: A survey of Delhi NCR" Journal of Education, Volume XIII, No.9, PP 68-78.
- Singh Sukhvir and T Venugopalan (2021)," Sustainable Tourism Development in India: Positive and Negative Aspects" Journal of fundamental and comparative research" Volume 7, No 9, PP 195-200.
- T Venugopalan and Singh Sukhvir (2021)," Sustainable Heritage Tourism Development: A Case Study of Delhi Heritage Tourism" TOJQI, Volume 12, Issue 9, PP 2190-2209.
- T Venugopalan and Singh Sukhvir (2021)," Uttar Pradesh Heritage Arc: A Model of Heritage Tourism Development in India" TOJQI, Volume 12, Issue 9, PP 2210-2222.
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2018)," SWOT Analysis: A Case Study of Starbucks" International Journal of Research and Analytical Research, Volume 5, Special Issue, PP 350-363
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2018)," Corporate Social Responsibility in India" International Journal of Research and Analytical Research, Volume 5, Special Issue, PP 327-341
- Singh Sukhvir, Kaur Preetinder and Singh Inderpreet (2018)," Consumer Preference While Selecting a Cab Service: A Case Study of Ola and Uber in Delhi NCR" Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, Volume7,Issue4, PP 70-78
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Jasleen (2018), "Corporate Tax Rates and its Effect on Foreign Direct Investment in India" Ayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 5,Issue II, PP 255-261
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Jasleen (2018), "Corporate Tax Determinant of Foreign Direct Investment" Ayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 5,Issue II, PP 233-237
- Singh Sukhvir and Kochar Gurinder kaur (2018)," E- Commerce and Consumer Behaviour"" Ayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 5,Issue I, PP 297-316
- Singh Sukhvir and Kochar Gurinder kaur (2018)," Online Consumer Behaviour: A Case Study of Delhi NCR" Ayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 5,Issue I, PP 286-296
- Singh Sukhvir and Singh Inderpreet (2018)," Consumer Behaviour: A Case Study of Maruti” Ayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 5,Issue I, PP 220-228
- Singh Sukhvir and Singh Inderpreet (2018)," A Study of Consumer Perception about Smart Phone” Ayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 5,Issue I, PP 213-219
- Singh Sukhvir, Kaur Preetinder and Singh Inderpreet (2017)," Social Media Marketing: A Case Study of Dell technology" Asian journal of Marketing and Management Research, Volume 6, Issue 11, PP 100-112
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2017)," Economic Impact of BREXIT" Asian Journal of Marketing and Management Research" Volume 6, Issue 9, PP 68-75
- Anand Ashween Kaur and Singh Sukhvir (2017)," Corporate Identity and Corporate Communication: A Case Study of Maruti Suzuki Ltd" International Journal of Human Resource and Industrial Research" Volume 4,Issue 4, PP 64-70
- Anand Ashween Kaur and Singh Sukhvir (2017)," Foreign Exchange Market and Microstructure: A Theoretical Framework " International Journal of Marketing and Financial Management" Volume 5,Issue 7, PP 47-56
- Anand Ashween Kaur and Singh Sukhvir (2017)," Workplace Environment: A Critical Analysis" International Journal of Marketing and Financial Management" Volume 5,Issue 7, PP 26-35
- Kaur Preetinder and Singh Sukhvir (2017)," Corporate Governance and Voluntary Information Disclosure" International Journal of Marketing and Financial Management, Volume 5, issue 5, PP 12-19
- Kaur Preetinder and Singh Sukhvir (2017)," Voluntary disclosure practices: An Empirical Analysis of Financial and Non- Financial Information" International Journal of Marketing and Financial Management, Volume 5, issue4 5,PP 54-61
- Kaur Preetinder and Singh Sukhvir (2017)," Emerging Issues in Business and Economic Research, Volume 1, isuue 1,PP 229-233
- Gupta, Sonal and Singh Sukhvir (2017) ,"Employee Attrition and Retention Strategies" Emerging Issues in Business and Economic Research, Volume 1, isuue 1,PP 260-276
- Singh Sukhvir and Kochar Gurinder kaur (2017)," Demonetization and its Impact on Indian Economy" Emerging Issues in Business and Economic Research ,Volume 1, Issue 1, PP 229-233
- Singh Sukhvir, Kaur Preetinder and Singh Inderpreet (2016)," Analysis of Paytms' Growth in the phase of Demonetisation" Asian Journal of Marketing and Management Research, Volume 5, Issue 11, PP 25-35
- Singh Sukhvir (2016)," Business Incubators for Start-Up in India" International Journal of Marketing and Financial Management, Volume 5, Issue12, PP25-35
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2015)," Insider Trading: A Case Study of Larsen and Toubro and DLF" International Journal of Marketing and Financial Management, Volume 3, Issue 10, PP 46-54
- Singh Sukhvir (2015)" A Study of Unemployment in Indian Economy" International Journal of Human Resource and Industrial Research, Volume 2, Issue 7, PP 59-65
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2014)," Rural Market in India: Opportunities Challenges and Marketing Strategies" International Journal of Marketing and Financial Management, Volume 2, Issue 10, PP 53-63
- Singh Sukhvir (2014)," The study of Consumer Behavior Towards Different Mobile Brands" International Journal of Marketing and Financial Management, Volume 2, Issue 10, PP 42-48
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2013)," Indian Telecom Industry: A Case Study of Airtel and Vodafone in NCR Delhi" International Research Journal of Commerce Arts and Science , Volume 1, Issue 11, 127-146
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2013)," Role of Securities Exchange Board of India in Regulating Mutual Funds" International of Marketing and Financial Management , Volume 1, Issue 1, 109-126
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2012) Entrepreneurship in India: A Case Study of Young Entrepreneurs in NCR Delhi", Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, Volume 1, Issue 3, 228-238
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2012) Celebrity Advertising and Endorsement: A Case Study of Bharti Airtel limited and Idea cellular", South Asian Journal of Marketing and Management Research, Volume 2, Issue 5, 198-213
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2011)," The Efficiency of Sharpe Single Index Model" Management Vistas, Volume IV, PP 70-74
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2011)" Merger and Acquisition : A Case Study of Tata steel and Corus" An Interdisciplinary Research Journal" Volume 1, Issue 3, PP 108-118
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2010) "Consumer Buying Behavior in a Retail Outlet" International Research Journal of Commerce ,Arts and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, PP 134-142
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2010) "BPO and its Impact in Reducing Unemployment in India" International Research Journal of Management, Sociology and Humanities" Volume 1, Issue 1, PP 168-177
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2009) "Customers, Perception Regarding the Quality Service: A Case Study of SBI and HDFC Banks" Bhartia Bhasha, Siksha, Sahitya Evam Shodh" Volume 1, , PP 68-83
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2009) Credit Rating Agencies in India: A critical review" Bhartia Bhasha, Siksha, Sahitya Evam Shodh,Volume 1, Issue2 , PP 19-27
- Kaushik Sanjay and Singh Sukhvir (2008) "Risk Diversification and Portfolio Size: An Empirical Analysis" Management Vistas, Volume 1, Issue 1, PP 70-79
- Kaushik Sanjay and Singh Sukhvir (2008) "Ranking of Security Portfolio: An Empirical Study of S&P CNX Nifty"APPEJAY Journal of Management and Technology Volume 3, Issue 1, PP 8-15
Referred and Text Books Published (In Numbers 5)
- Singh Sukhvir (2016) , "Business Statistics"Ane books Pvt, limited Delhi, ISBN 978-93-8546-238-2
- Singh Sukhvir and (2016)," Security Analysis and Portfolio Management" A K Publishers, Delhi India, ISBN 978-93-85022-62-3
- Singh Sukhvir and Kaur Preetinder (2017)," Corporate Disclosure Practices" A K Publishers, Delhi, India, ISBN 978-81-928754-2-2
- Singh Sukhvir (2017)," Consumer Retailer Relationship Development" JTS Publications, Delhi, India, ISBN 978-93-85833-99-1
- Singh Sukhvir (2017)," Consumer Behaviour and Online Shopping" JTS Publications, Delhi, India, ISBN 978-93-85833-98-4.
Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)
A Major research project sponsored under scheme IMPRESS by ICSSR, GOI, on the topic," Sustainable Tourism Development in India - A Case study of Uttar Pradesh Heritage Tourism," Completed in December 2021
Awards and Distinctions
Juniour Research Fellowship Award in 2003
Association With Professional Bodies
- Life time member of Indian Commerce Association
- Life time member of Indian Accounting Association