Ms. Parminder Kaur
Associate Professor Commerce
Email Address : parminderkapoor@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address :
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Finance and Accountancy
Educational Qualifications
- UGC-NET/JRF, 1994
- PURSUING ( SINCE 2022-23)
Career Profile
- associate professor , 11-09-96 till Present date , SGTBKHALSA COLLEGE
Subjects Taught
Business mathematics, cost accountancy, Management accounting, Financial accounting, Micro economics, Business organisation and management, Indian economy, Secretarial practise and office management at UG level.
Advanced management accounting, Managerial economics , Operation research at PG level.
Administrative Assignments
- Member of staff association in 2001
- Departmental Time table committee incharge in 2020,2021,2022, 2023, 2024
- Member in the Time table committee since 2010.
- An active member of the admission committee of the department consistently.
- Member of attendance and discipline committee in 2004-2005.
- Convenor of the department in 2002-2003 and 2021-2022.
- Member of the teacher selection committee in 2002-2003 and member of selection committee for associate professorship in 2020-2021 in college.
- An active member of commerce society and co -ordinator for the same twice
- A member of the student monitoring committee since 2014-15.
- A member of the student welfare committee 2020-21
- An active member of the staffroom and GCR committee in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.
- A member of the canteen committee.
- A member of annual prize distribution committee.
- A member of annual magazine committee in 2024-25
- Coordinator of Magazine society of the department of commerce in 2018,2019,2020. Chief editor of online magazine Biz Geist of the department of commerce in the same time period.
- Regularly evaluating papers of B.Com (H) /B.com- Financial accounting/ Business mathematics/cost accountancy/ Management accounting.
- Have set papers for Home Examination for B.Com (H)/B.Com-Financial accounting/ Business mathematics/cost accountancy/ Management accounting.
- Paper setter for Paper No. 52411202 “Business mathematics and Statistics” of B.Com (CBCS) for April/May 2019.
- Member of the working group for Computer/Mathematics?Statistics area to facilitate the revision of the courses for B.Com (H)-Business Mathematics, Business Statistics and B.Com- Business Mathematics and statistics.in 2018.
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
- Organized an online national FDP on business data analysis using R software from 28th April to 14 may 2023 under Guru Angad Dev TLC at SGTB Khalsa College, centre of Ministry of Education under PMMMNMTT
- Presented a Research Paper entitled “ Digital Economy And Its Application In India: A Comprehensive Review “in 74th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association on “ One Earth. One Family. One future by Faculty of Commerce & Business, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi.
- Presented a Research Paper entitled “ Digital Market-An Analysis of the perspective of consumers in India “in 74th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association on “ One Earth. One Family. One future by Faculty of Commerce & Business, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi.
- A paper titled “Environmental Accounting Disclosures: A Bibliometric Analysis From 1981 To 2022 Using Scopus Database” in the International Conference on Sustainable development in Commerce, Management & Technology jointly organized by Research Affairs Committee, Rajdhani College, University of Delhi, Indian Commerce Association, Delhi-NCR Chapter, & Pinaki Technno, India which is held on 26-27 February 2023.
- A paper entitled "Green Entrepreneurship in India: A Study of Select Green Business" in co-authorship with Dr. Surinder Kaur, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, Delhi at XXIV ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON "INSTITUTIONS, GOVERNANCE AND JUSTICE" JUNE 04-05, 2022 organized by Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research (DSPSR), (Affiliated to GGS Indraprastha University, New Delhi.
Association With Professional Bodies
Life Member:
Indian Accounting Association, Delhi Chapter.
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
- A 3 days national level wprkshop on writing and publication guidance on Scopus journal (online) from 7th sep to 9th sep 2024 organised by research education solutions registered under MSME, Govt. if India.
- A FDP on certificate course on digital teaching techniques organised by ICT academy, university of Delhi , from 17 April to 19 april 2023.
- An Online FDP on Moocs and E-Content development with Grade ‘A’, at Guru Angad Dev TLC at SGTB Khalsa College. A centre of Ministry of Education under PMMMNMTT from 25th May to 31st May 2023.
- FDP on Qualitative Data Analysis, by Banarsidas chandiwala institute of professional studies, GGSIU, delhi. AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India rom 25th 2023 to 30 sep. 2023.
- International conference on India@2030: Third largest economy in the world , by Jesus and mary college, university of delhi, from Jan 29-30, 2024.
- International Value added program (32 Hours) on ‘ transforming India entrepreneurial evolution for viksit Bharat @2047 conducted by Faculty of Management , MJPRU, Bareilly, from 3rd march to 10th march2024.
- Attended 4th Global education summit on commerce and accountancy (GES-CA)2024, organised by ICAI, BOARD OF STUDIES, Delhi from 5,6th July 2024.
- A seminar on management with Indian knowledge system organised by Department of commerce , Faculty of commerce and business, Delhi on 11july 2024
- FDP on ‘Emerging Accessible Technologies for teachers in Higher Education by Maitrey College in collaboration with Guru Angad Dev TLC,SGTB KHALSA COLLEGE,D.U. From 20th march-3rd April 2021.
- E-Faculty development program on “using Spreadsheets for Business Mathematics” by Department of Commerce, Sri Aurbindo College,D.U. from 23-24 th Jan.2021.
- Completed Massive Open Online Course on “Blended Learning Practice” offered by Commonwealth of learning and Athabasca University, Canada From 15Th Nov. -12TH Dec.2020 representing 20 hours of Professional learning Engagement.
- attended workshop on “E-Filing of ITR-1” by Bodhini, Academic Events and Research Committee, Department of Commerce, ANDC, University of Delhi on 10th Nov.2020
- FDP on transformation in Higher Education:Issues and road ahead by Government Degree College for Women,Anantnag in collaboration with Mahatma Hansraj Faculty Development centre from 28th sep-12th oct,2020.
- A national workshop on “stress management and emotional intelligence in teaching learning environment” by Guru angad Dev TLC at SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on 21st February 2018.
- A national workshop on “ Basic ICT Skill for educators (e-content development and assessment tools” by Guru angad Dev TLC at SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on 6th and 7th June 2017.
- A national seminar on “E-learning and Moocs in higher education” by Guru angad Dev TLC at SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on 29th March 2017.
- A national seminar on “New Roles of teachers in technology driven higher education” by Guru angad Dev TLC in collaboration with British Council at SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on 1st March 2017.
- Seminar on “Goods and Service tax” by Delhi school of Economics in collaboration with Department of Commerce, Hansraj College, DU on 15th February 2017.
- Accounting Symposium on International Financial Reporting Standards by Indian Accounting Association, Delhi Chapter at Shri Ram College of Commerce on 5th and 6th May, 2016.
- 3rd International Conference; Booming service sector from achievements to growth prospects held at Shri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, DU on 4th and 5th February 2016.
- National Seminar on Globalisation and Indian economy by Department of Business Economics SGTB Khalsa College, DU on 10th March 2011.
- National Seminar on “Contemporary Issues in Management” by Department of Business Economics SGTB Khalsa College, DU on 23rd February 2010.
- Annual UGC- Special Assistant Programme Seminar 2010 on “Contemporary Issues in global financial markets” by Masters of Finance and Control, Department of Financial Studies on 26th February 2010.
- Workshop on “ Statistical Package for Social Sciences” held at Computer Centre, North Campus, DUfrom May 11-15, 2009.
- Learning for content (L4C)-43,workshop on open educational resources at University of Delhis with support from Commonwealth of learning, Vancouver,Canada held from April 13-17, 2009.
- Annual UGC- Special Assistant Programme Seminar 2019 on " Global financial crisis "by Masters of Finance and Control, Department of Financial Studies on 21stFebruary 2009.
- Three week refresher course in commerce from September 2008 to October 21st 2008.
- Three week refresher course in commerce from September 27 200 to October 18, 2007.
- Four week orientation course from March 14, 2002 to April 10, 2002.
- Three Week refresher course in Commerce from September 4, 2000 to September 23,2000.