Mr. Sushil Kumar Singh
Associate Professor Physics
Contact (Off.): 8447758778
Email Address : sushil@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address : Mall Road, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
Web-Page : ssphysics.com
Areas of Interest / Specialization
1. General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology
2. Field Theory
3. Physics Education and Research
4. Computational Physics
Educational Qualifications
M.Sc. Physics with Dissertation on “Hawking Radiation” University of Delhi 1996
B.Sc. (H) Physics University of Delhi 1994
Career Profile
- Assistant Professor (Adhoc) , 21 Oct 2001 - 09 Aug 2006 , SGTB Khalsa College
- Assistant Professor (Permanent) , 10 Aug 2006 - 29 April 2016 , SGTB Khalsa College
- Associate Professor (Permanent) , 30 April 2016 - Present , SGTB Khalsa College
Subjects Taught
1. Discipline Specific Elective: Classical Mechanics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics of Earth
2. Theory: Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Electronic Devices, Waves Optics and Vibration, Thermal Physics, Modern Physics, Mathematical Physics.
3. Laboratory: Optics, Electronics, EMT, Modern Physics, Mechanics, Waves & Vibrations.
4. Computational Laboratory: Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Mathematical Physics
Administrative Assignments
1. 2006 – 2025 Departmental Committees, Member, Dept. of Physics, SGTB Khalsa College.
2. 2006 – 2019, 2022-2024 DUSU Elections, Polling Officer, SGTB Khalsa College.
3. 2016 – 2017 Governing Body, Member, SGTB Khalsa College.
4. 2013 – 2014 Dept. of Physics, Convenor, SGTB Khalsa College.
5. 2008 – 2010 Annual Function Core Committee, Member, SGTB Khalsa College.
6. 2002 – 2006 Quest Organizing Committee, Member, Center for Science Education and Communication, DU.
7. 2006 National Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Physics (ETPO6)’, Member, Organizing Committee, Sep 20 -23, 2006; SGTB Khalsa College, DU.
Research Guidance
Supervision of B.Sc. Dissertation: 04
1. 2024: Machine Learning “Machine Learning in Physics”,Student : Harshit Chauhan
2. 2022: Quantum Field Theory, “Quantum Field Theory in Rindler Spacetime”Student : Gervit Kumar Trehan
3. 2021: GTR and Cosmology, “Temperature Anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background”Student: Keshav Chaudhary
4. 2020: Quantum Mechanics, “Paradoxes in Quantum Mechanics: Non-locality and Entanglement”Student : Archon Kashyap
Publications Profile
1. 2024: “Prey-Predator Realities: Unveiling Competition, Cooperation, and Shelter Dynamics”, Eur. Phys. J. Plus,139 article no.392, https://doi.org/10. 1140/epjp/s13360-024-05171-6, Sushil Kumar Singh, Harshit Chauhan,Yash Vardhan and Savinder Kaur
2. 2022: "Justifying the classical partition function for Bosonic and Fermionic systems using computer basedexperiments", European Journal of Physics, IOP, 43, 015101, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6404/ac3064 OnlineSushil Kumar Singh and Savinder Kaur
3. 2021: "Re-exploring the Penney-Ante Game", The American Statistician, Teacher's Corner, 75(5),https://doi.org/10.1080/00031305.2021.1961860Sushil Kumar Singh, Neelkanth Rawat, Sargun Singh and Savinder Kaur
4. 2021: "When discs hit-and-stick, Nature plays a weird trick", Phys. Ed. 56(5) 055014Sushil Kumar Singh, Khushi Lalit, Kawaljeet Kaur and Savinder Kaur
5. 2019: "Simulation of confined pocket of a city by leapfrogging method", Eur. Phys. J. Plus 134: 550, DOI:10.1140/epjp/i2019-12993-2Sushil Singh, Ashish, Jatan Talal, Savinder Kaur
6. 2019: "A computer based experiment to show Snell’s law follows from Fermat’s Principle"; Phys. Ed. 54055019,Sushil Kumar Singh, Jaya Shivangani Kashyap, Priyanka Rajwani and Savinder Kaur
7. 2019: Characterization of different forms of chalcopyrite disease through fractal analysis, Current Science,Vol.117(3) (2019),Shubham Tripathi and Sushil Kumar Singh
8. 2016: "An Understanding of Statistical Study of Language Dynamics"; Global Journal for Research AnalysisVol 5, Issue 10, ISSN No. 2277-8160 , Rashi Agarwal, Jasleen Kaur, Bavneet Kaur, Yash Mohan Sharma,Aakash Gupta, Tarundeep Kaur, Sushil Kumar Singh, Savinder Kaur
9. 2010: “Contribution of adsorbed oxygen and interfacial space charge for enhanced response of SnO2 sensorshaving CuO catalyst for H2S gas ”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 145 (1), 155-166Arijit Chowdhuri, Sushil Kumar Singh, K Sreenivas and Vinay Gupta
10. 2006: Variable Chaplygin gas: constraints from cmbr and SNe Ia ”, International Journal of Modern PhysicsD 15 (07), 1089-1098Geetanjali Sethi, Sushil K. Singh, Pranav Kumar, Deepak Jain, Abha Dev
11. 2005: “Linear Waves in Imperfect Relativistic MHD Fluid”, Spacetime & Substance International PhysicalJournal, Vol. 6, No. 3 (28), pp. 128-131 Sushil Kumar Singh and Subhash Kumar
Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)
1. SGTB-307-Innovation Project (2015-2016): Rs 4.5 lakhsStatistical Study of Rise and Decline of Indian Languages - Special Focus on Punjabi, Sanskrit & Hindi, Dr. Savinder Kaur, Mr Sushil Kumar Singh and Dr Harbans Singh
2. SGTBKC/SC/P/2018-2019/09, (2018-2019): Rs 35,000 Dimensional Analysis of Pockets of Delhi with special characteristics, Dr Savinder Kaur and Mr. Sushil Kumar Singh Successful Publication on completion of project: Simulation of confined pocket of a city by leapfrogging method, Sushil Singh, Ashish, Jatan Talal, Savinder Kaur, Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2019) 134, 550
3. SGTBKC/2682- The Science Center Project, (2023-2024) : Rs 30, 000 Pattern in Biological Systems, Dr Savinder Kaur and Mr Sushil Kumar SinghSuccessful publication on completion of project : Prey-Predator Realities: Unveiling Competition, Cooperation, and Shelter Dynamics, Sushil Kumar Singh, Harshit Chauhan, Yash Vardhan and Savinder Kaur, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, (2024) 139 article no.392,
Awards and Distinctions
1. 1998 - 2000 SRF, University of Delhi.
2. 1996 - 1998 JRF, University of Delhi.
3. 1995 Net/JRF, CSIR-UGC
Association With Professional Bodies
Indian Association of Physics Teachers
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
1. 2024, FDP-1st Online Hands-On training on Density Functional Modelling of SemiConductors (usingQuantum Expresso Package), Centre for Advanced Computational Research, New Delhi, April 28-May 6.
2. 2021 FDP: Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom, TLC, Ramanujan College, DU, Mar 8-Mar 22, 2021.
3. 2020 FDP: Capacity Building in Drafting Proposal for Funded Research, TLC, SGTB Khalsa College, DU& St Terersa College, Oct 5 - Oct 11, 2020.
4. 2020 FDP: Introduction to Machine Learning in Research, TLC, Ramanujan College & Ram Lal AnandCollege, DU, Oct 10 - Oct 18, 2020.
5. 2020 FDP: Advanced Padagogical Techniques, TLC, Ramanujan College, DU, Oct 29 - Nov 5, 2020
6. 2019 International Conference On Guru Nanak’s Philosophy and Legacy, SGTB Khalsa College,University of Delhi, India, 2019.
7. 2018 Workshop on Molecular Modelling, ARSD College, DU, Jan 23,2018.
8. 2016 From the Big Bang to Dark Energy, University of Tokyo, through Coursera, Jan - Feb, 2016.
9. 2016 Astrobiology and the Search for Extra-terrestrial Life, University of Edinburgh, through Coursera, Feb- Mar, 2016.
10. 2016 From the Big Bang to Dark Energy, University of Tokyo, through Coursera, Mar - Apr, 2016.
11. 2016 The Bilingual Brain, University of Houston, through Coursera, Mar - Apr, 2016.
12. 2014 Refresher Course in ICT, UGC-ASC, Bhagat Phool Singh University, Jun 5 - Jun 26, 2014.
13. 2013 Special Orientation for Science & Life, South Campus, DU, 19 Aug 2013.
14. 2013 Workshop on Science & Life (Resource Person), CPDHE, DU, Jun 21,2013 – Jun 22,2013.
15. 2010 Refresher Course in Physics and Electronics, CPDHE, DU, Mar 9 - Mar 30, 2010.
16. 2010 Orientation Course OR-63, CPDHE, DU, Jul 12 - Aug 07, 2010.
17. 2005 International Conference on Physics Education, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics,Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi, India, Aug 21-26, 2005
18. 2004 IAPT Workshop on Innovative Methods in Physics Teaching, Department of Physics, DU, Dec, 2004.
19. 2004 Workshop on Strings and Cosmology, IUCAA, Pune, India, Nov, 2004.