Dr. Mamta
Professor Physics
Contact (Off.): 9818076507
Email Address : mamta.dahiya@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address : Department of Physics, S.G.T>B. Khalsa COllege, University of Delhi, Delhi -110007.
Areas of Interest / Specialization
- Theoretical High Energy Physics
- Computational Physics
- Physics Education
Educational Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy (Physics) in 1997 from University of Delhi, Delhi
Title : "Triviality Bound on Higgs Mass - A variational Approach"
Supervisor : Prof. S. Rai Choudhury and Prof. Amitabha Mukherjee
Master of Science (Physics) in 1991 from St.Stephen’s College, University of Delhi, Delhi (with 79.1% marks, Third position in University).
Bachelor of Science (Physics Hons.) in 1989 from St.Stephen’s College, University of Delhi, Delhi (with 83.33% marks).
Career Profile
- Professor , July 2018 - present , S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi
- Associate Professor / Reader , 26.12.2002 - 30.06.2018 , S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi
- Lecturer (Senior Scale) , 27.07.1998 - 25.12.2002 , S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi
- Lecturer (Permanent) , 17.07.1995 - 26.07.1998 , S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi
- Lecturer (Ad-hoc) , July 1994 - June 1995 , S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi
- Lecturer (Ad-hoc) , Aug 1993 - April 1994 , Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi
Subjects Taught
- Intensive (PhD Level):-
Faculty for the following Courses in Preparatory SERC School in Theoretical High Energy Physics for fresh PhD students, sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India:
- Particle Physics and Standard Model course in the school held at IISER Bhopal, in 2015.
- Particle Physics and Standard Model course in the school held at Tezpur University in 2013
- Particle Physics and Standard Model course in the school held at BITS-Pilani Goa, 2010
- Quantum Field Theory course in the school held at Delhi University in 1997.
- Undergraduate Level:-
More than 30 years experience of teaching Physics and Electronics major students at Delhi University (since 1993). During these years I have taught various courses including all Mathematical Physics course, Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Optics, Physics of materials, Digital Electronics, Computational Physics. I have also taken lab courses related to these.
Administrative Assignments
Academic Activities
- Coordinated the workshops for the faculty members teaching physics in colleges of University of Delhi organised by the Department of Physics and Astrophysics on 3rd and 4th November, 2022 to discuss various issues pertaining to teaching-learning process for the new courses prepared under NEP 2020 for B.Sc(Hons.) Physics curriculum. Gave presentations for Mechanics (Theory) and Mathematical Physics – I (Practicals) during the workshop.
- Member, Finance Committee, APhO Cell (Asian Physics Olympiad) during 2011-12 and 2019 - 2023.
- Actively participated in the preparation of syllabus for a large number of courses under NEP 2020 for B.Sc(H) Physics and B.Sc.(Physical Sc) at University of Delhi both as coordinator and member of committees formed for the purpose.
- Contributed to the CSIR-NET Examination Process several times.
- Member, Combined Moderation Committee for B.Sc(Hons) in Physics and B.Sc.(Program) since 2019.
- Served on Steering Committee for the for LOCF Undergraduate Physics Courses revision undertaken by University of Delhi in 2019.
- Member, LOCF Committee for all Mathematical Physics undergraduate courses constituted for course revision in 2019.
- Member Finance Committee for 13th Asian Physics Olympiad held in Delhi during May 1 – 7, 2012.
Administrative Responsibilities
- Teacher in Charge, Department of Physics S.G.T.B. Khalsa College during academic session 2019-20.
- Executive member of Staff Association during 2013-14.
- Convener, Library Commitee of Department of Physics S.G.T.B. Khalsa College for several academic sessions.
- Convener, Physics Society for several academic sessions.
- Served on Purchase and Maintenance Committee of Department of Physics S.G.T.B. Khalsa College for several academic sessions.
- Member of Governing Body as teacher representative during
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
- Convener, "National Symposium on Theoretical High Energy Physics" held at S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi on December 20, 2019 and sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.
- Director, "XXXIII Main School on Theoretical High Energy Physics " held at S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi from December 6 - 26, 2019 sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.
Paper Presentation
- "Twin Anomaly in a minimal Extension of Inert 2HDM" presented at "17th International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology (PPC 2024) " held at IIT Hyderabad during 14-18 October 2024.
Participation in Conferences and Workshops
- "17th International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology (PPC 2024) " held at IIT Hyderabad during 14-18 October 2024.
- Annual Seminar on "Statistical Methods and Applications in Interdisciplinary Areas (SMAIA- 2024)" organised by Department of Statistics, University of Delhi during March 8-9, 2024.
- "Phoenix-2023", an international conference organised at IIT Hyderabad during Dec 18-20, 2023. Paper entitled "W−mass and lepton g−2 in extended inert 2HDM" was presented by the student.
- "International Meeting on High Energy Physics", January 17 - 22, 2019 held at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar.
Research Guidance
PhD Guidance:
- Co-supervised thesis of Mr. Manvinder Pal Singh who is awarded degree in 2024. Title of thesis "Dark Matter Scenarios in Extended Scalar Sector"
Helped train others (registered with others, in DU)
Dr. Hrishabh Bhardwaj (currently faculty in a college in Barely)
Dr. Md. Rashidul Islam (currently a faculty in Kolkata)
Dr. Mukesh Kumar (currently, faculty at University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)
Dissertation Supervision:
”Study of Phase Transitions in Ising-like Models”, 2023, Samarth Jain (currently at Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS-PSL))
”Formation of Cooper Pairs – A Pedagogical approach”, 2023, Suhas Adiga (currently at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru.)
”Helicity Amplitude techniques for Scattering Amplitudes”, Harsh Sharma (2021 )
”Study of Monopoles”, 2021 Hridey Narula (currently at TIFR Hyderabad)
”Path from Lagrangian to Feynman Rules” , 2020 Harsh Bhardwaj (presently at RWTH Aachen)
”Monte Carlo Simulations of three body decay processes” in 2020 by Pulkit Kukreja (presently at Bonn-Cologne Graduate School for Physics and Astronomy)
”Quantum Mechanics of Nano-structures” in 2018 by Tonmoy Mahanta
Science Academies’ Summer Research Fellowship Programme:
Supervised a Project on "Data Analysis in Cosmology” by Ms. Srotoshi Ghosh from Presidency University, Kolkata.
Supervised a Project on ”Understanding statistical Tools in High Energy Physics” in summer 2018 by Ms. Samridhi Garg, from Department of Physics, IIT, Roorkee.
Supervised a Project on ”Scattering and Decay of Particles –Partial Wave Analysis and Helicity Formalism” in summer 2016 by Ms. S. Lekshmi, from Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Surathkal.
Co-Supervised a Project on ”Applications of Lie Algebra in Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics” in 2009-2010 by Sarvan Kourmilli from Department of Physics, University of Hyderabad.
Publications Profile
Contribution in Books
- Contributed subject matter to the upcoming Indian adapted version of the previously published book titled ”Modern Physics”, 4th Edition (2021) and authored by Kenneth S. Krane, Wiley, India.
- Contributed subject matter to the Indian adapted version of the latest edition of book titled ”Intro- duction to Solid State Physics” (2019) and authored by Charles Kittle, Wiley India
Publicatons in Journals
- “W mass and muon g − 2 in an inert 2HDM extended by a singlet complex scalar”, Hrishabh Bharadwaj, Mamta Dahiya, Sukanta Dutta and Ashok Goyal, accepted for publication in Physical Rev D. [arXiv:2407.00181 [hep-ph]].
- "Toy Model to Explain Cooper Pair Formation", Suhas Adiga, P. Arun and Mamta Dahiya, submitted for publication to ”The Physics Educator”
- “Investigating perturbative unitarity in the presence of anomalous couplings”, M. Dahiya, S. Dutta and R. Islam, Phys. Rev. D 93, no. 5, 055013 (2016) [arXiv:1311.4523 [hep-ph]].
- “Constraining Unparticles from Top Physics at TeVatron”, M. Dahiya, S. Dutta and R. Is- lam, Phys. Rev. D 86, 115022 (2012) [arXiv:1206.5447 [hep-ph]].
- “Wither pure science in India: A survey of graduate physics students of a representative University of Delhi College", Kuldeep Kumar, Mamta, P.Arun and Jaswinder Singh, Current Science 99(9), p1196 (2010).
- “New Physics Contribution to Neutral Trilinear Gauge Boson Couplings", S. Dutta, A. Goyal and Mamta, The European Physical Journal C 63, 305 (2009) [arXiv:0901.0260 [hep-ph]].
- “Considerations for Anderson-Bridge Experiment” P. Arun, Kuldeep Kumar and Mamta Resonance, March 2010, p-244. [arXiv:0804.3932]
- “Role of polarization in probing anomalous gauge interactions of the Higgs boson”, S. S. Biswal, D. Choudhury, R. M. Godbole and Mamta, Phys. Rev. D 79, 035012 (2009) [arXiv:0809.0202 [hep-ph]].
- “Unparticles and Muon Decay” , D. Choudhury, D. K. Ghosh and Mamta Phys. Lett. B 658, 148 (2008) [arXiv:0705.3637 [hep-ph]]
- “Anomalous Higgs couplings at an e gamma collider” , D. Choudhury and Mamta Phys. Rev. D 74, 115019 (2006) [arXiv:hep-ph/0608293]
- “Triviality bound on lightest Higgs mass in next to minimal supersymmetric model” , S. R. Choudhury, Mamta and S. Dutta Pramana 50, 163 (1998) [arXiv:hep-ph/9512422]
- “Variational approach to Higgs mass bound” , S. R. Choudhury and Mamta Int.J.Mod.Phys. A12, 1847-1859 (1997)
- “Quark model analysis of radiative pion decay” , S. R. Choudhury, A. Essagholian, and Mamta Int.J.Mod.Phys. A9, 157-165 (1994)
- “Pion Electromagnetic Form Factor in a BS Model”, S. R. Choudhury, A. Essagholian, and Mamta Europhysics Letters 23, 475 (1993)
Publications in Proceedings:
- “Twin Anomaly in a minimal Extension of Inert 2HDM” , Mamta Dahiya, Hrishabh Bhardwaj, Sukanta Dutta and Ashok Goyal, To appear in the proceedings of ”17th International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology (PPC 2024) ” held at IIT Hyderabad during 14-18 October 2024.
- “Working group summary: Neutrinos and beyond Standard Model ”, Report of the working group on neutrinos and beyond the Standard Model in WHEPP-XI, Anjan S Joshipura et al., Pramana – Journal of Physics, 76, May 2011, pp. 699–705.
- “Neutral Trilinear Gauge Boson Couplings in Little Higgs Models”,
S. Dutta, A. Goyal and Mamta, Proceedings of 2010 International Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS10 and ILC10), Beijing, 26 March – 30 March 2010[ arXiv:1007.3097 [hep-ph]]. - “ILC Reference Design Report: ILC Global Design Effort and World Wide Study”,
J. (. ). Brau et al. [ILC Collaboration] , Published in: CERN Yellow Reports: Monographs DOI: 10.2172/929487, 10.5170/CERN-2007-006 Report number: ILC-REPORT-2007-001, AAI-PUB-2007-002, BNL-79150-2007, CERN-2007-006, CHEP-A07-001, CLNS-07-1991, COCKCROFT-07-04, DESY-07-046, FERMILAB-TM-2382, JAI- 2007-001, JINR-E9-2007-039, JLAB-R-2007-01, KEK-REPORT-2007-2, LBNL-62867, LNF-07-9-NT, SLAC-R-857 - “Effects of polarisation on study of anomalous VVH interactions at a Linear Collider” S. S. Biswal, D. Choudhury, R. M. Godbole and Mamta
Online Proceedings of 2007 International Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS07 and ILC07), Hamburg, Ger- many, 30 May - 3 Jun 2007 [arXiv:0710.2735 [hep-ph]] - “Probing anomalous Higgs couplings at an e gamma collider using unpolarised beams” D. Choudhury and Mamta,
Proceedings of 2006 International Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS06 and ILC06), I.I.Sc. Bangalore, India, 9 March - 13 March 2006 Pramana 69, 795 (2007).
Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)
- Co-Principal Investigator: Project titled 'New Physics Signatures at Small and Large Scales (CRG/2023/008234) sponsored by ANRF, Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Govt. of India starting Nov 2024 - Oct 2027. Project Grant: Rs. 5 Lakhs for equipment plus 1JRF and 1 RA plus contingency, travel, consumables, SSR and overhead as per SERB norms.
- Co-Principal Investigator: Multi-Institutional Collaborative Project titled 'Probing New Physics Interactions' (CRG/2018/004889) sponsored by Scientific and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Govt. of India.(9 Dec 2019 - 8 Dec 2023). Project Grant: Rs. 79.6 Lakhs.
- Principal Investigator: Project 'Signatures of new physics at present and future Colliders' sposnsored by CSIR, Govt. of India, New Delhi. (2016-19). Project Grant: Fellowship of one RA/JRF/SRF plus Rs. 4.25 Lakhs.
- Co-Principal Investigator: A collaborative project 'Physics beyond the Standard Model' involving five Institutions and sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Govt. of India.( 2008-2012). Project Grant: Rs. 62. Lakhs.
- Co- Investigator : Physics beyond the Standard Model sponsored by DST (2002-06). Project Grant: Rs. Twelve Lakhs.
Awards and Distinctions
- Research Associate, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India from 2009 till date.
- Research Associate, Regional Center for Accelerator based Particle Physics (RECAPP), Harish Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad. India.
Association With Professional Bodies
- Member, Educational Instruments and Equipment Sectional Committee, PGD 22, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) since 2012.
- Life Member, Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT)
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
Resource Person:
- Coordinated workshop organised by the Department of Physics and Astrophysics for the faculty members teaching physics in colleges of University of Delhi on 3rd and 4th November, 2022 to discuss various issues pertaining to teaching-learning process for the new courses prepared under NEP 2020 for B.Sc(Hons.) Physics curriculum. Made presentations for Mechanics and Mathematical Physics – I courses during the workshop.
- Invited Lectures on "Quantum Mechanics" and "Mathematical Physics" at the Online Course on "Learning Physics with Conceptual and Problem-based Approach" organized by The National Academy of Sciences India (NASI) - Delhi Chapter during July 27, 2020 to October 11, 2020. The lectures have been uploaded on the youtube channel of “NASI Delhi Chapter” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwcruCaowNc , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiolkAxLYvg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72Z8A0Dy92Y
- Faculty for the "Particle Physics and the Standard Model" Course at SERC Preparatory School in THEP (a Training School for selected Research Scholars) held during June 29 -- 25, 2015 at IISER Bhopal.
- Guest Faculty for the "Particle Physics and the Standard Model" Course at SERC Preparatory School in THEP (a Training School for selected Research Scholars) held during June 17 --July 13, 2013, Tezpur University.
- Guest Faculty for the "Particle Physics and the Standard Model" Course at SERC Preparatory School in THEP (a Training School for selected Research Scholars) held during Oct. 20 -- Nov. 15, 2010. BITS Goa.
- Lecture on "Vector Algebra" at DAV In-service Master Training Programme, May 2005.
- Resource person for Hands on training sessions for "Microsoft Office – Use and Practice" at Faculty Development Programme “Computer Applications” organised by CPDHE, University of Delhi during April 15 -- May 13, 2005.
- Guest Faculty for the "Quantum Field Theory" Course at SERC Preparatory School in THEP (a Training School for selected Research Scholars) held during September 22 -- October 19, 1997 at University of Delhi.
Invited Talks
- “Challenges and Oppotunities @Heart of Matter – A Tribute to Rohini Godbole” – Invited talk in seminar series ”Women in Nuclear Science” delivered at Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi on 7th November 2024.
- "Unparticles at Colliders" -- presented at Associate Fest held at IUCAA, Pune from June25--29, 2012.
- "Anomalous Higgs Couplings" -- TPSC Seminar at Physical Research Laboratory, Ahemadabad, India, December 2007.
- "Triviality Bound on Higgs Mass -- A variational Approach" at Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, December 1996.
- "Non-perturbative Approach to triviality Bound on Higgs Mass" at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, June 1996.
Participation in Conference/Workhops/Schools/Seminars
- “17th International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology (PPC 2024) ” held at IIT Hyderabad during 14-18 October 2024. Presented paper “Twin Anomaly in a minimal Extension of Inert 2HDM” at the conference.
- Online Workshop on "Numerical and Analytical Relativity NAR 2024" organized by the Department of Applied Sciences, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, from 20th to 22nd March 2024.
- Annual Seminar on “Statistical Methods and Applications in Interdisciplinary Areas (SMAIA- 2024)” organised by Department of Statistics, University of Delhi during March 8-9, 2024.
- Phoenix 2023 held at IIT Hyderabad from December 18-20, 2023. Student and co-author presented paper on “W −mass and lepton g − 2 in extended inert 2HDM”
- "Ccourse on Astronomical data analysis using Python" held online from the November 08 - December 18, 2021 organized by the Teaching Learning Centre (TLC) of IUCAA with top 5 score in the exam held at the end of course.
- XXII DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium, December 12-16, 2016 held at University of Delhi.
- Workshop on “LHC and Dark Matter”, February 9-13 2015, held at Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata.
- “Associate Fest”, June25–29, 2012 held at IUCAA, Pune.
- “Twelfth Workhop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology” (WHEPP XII) held at Mahabaleshwar during January 9 - 15 2012.
- “Think Tank on Physics@LHC (Monte Carlo and Jet Physics)” held at Sariska, Rajasthan from December 5 − 9, 2011.
- “International Linear Collider Workshop LCWS10” held at Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing from March 26 to March 30, 2010. Presented the paper “New Physics Contribution to Neutral Trilinear Gauge Boson Couplings.”
“Workhop on High Energy Physics Phenomoenology” (WHEPP XI) held at Physical Research Labo- ratory, Ahemadabad during January 2–12, 2010.
Conference on “LHC and New Frontiers of Particle Physics” held at the Department of Physics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata during December 7–9, 2009.
Conference on “Signalling the Arrival of the LHC Era” held at The Abdus Salam Internatinal Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy from December 8−13, 2008.
Workshop on “Advanced Topics in Data Analysis in Cosmology and Gravitational Wave Astronomy” held at IUCAA Reference Center, University of Delhi from October 4–14, 2006.
National Conference on Emerging Trends in Physics (ETP06) held at S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, Uni- versity of Delhi from Sept. 20−23, 2006.
- International Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS06 and ILC06),held at I.I.Sc. Bangalore, India, 9 March - 13 March 2006. Presented paper “Probing anomalous Higgs couplings at an e gamma collider using unpolarised beams” at the workshop.
- Workshop on Quantum Computers held at School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, from March 10 to March 15, 2005 and sponsored by the Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore.
Participation in Faculty Development Programme
- "Tech Driven Pedagogy: Research-led Insights into Teaching Innovations" Organised by Centre of Excellence “Advanced Energy Systems “ and “New Age Technologies”, School of Technology, Woxsen University, Hyderabad during 6th feb. to 7th feb. 2024.
- Online National Workshop on "Challenges of Teaching Physics Laboratory Courses in Online Mode" organised by Kalindi College, University of Delhi during January 23 - 25, 2021.
- Training Program entitled "C and C++ Programming Language” conducted by Institute of Life Long Learning and Center for Science Education Communication, Universtiy of Delhi and held at Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi from June 8 − 15, 2011.
UGC sponsored "Refresher Course in Physics and Electronics" (Phy9) Organised by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education, University of Delhi during Jan 5 - Jan 24, 2004. A project on "Error Analysis and Data Modeling" was completed and presented as part of the course.
Indian Academy of Science (IAS) Refresher Course in Theoretical Physics, organised by IAS and held at St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi during October 01 - 15, 2002.
"Refresher Course in Physics" (Phy 6) Organised by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education, University of Delhi during May 3, 1999 - July 11, 2000. The duration of the course was more than 110 hours.
"Orientation Course (OR -34)" conducted by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education, University of Delhi during May 6 - June 02, 1999
"Computer Awareness and Application", Refresher Course, conducted by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education, University of Delhi during April 14 - May 03, 1997.