Ms. Armeen Kaur Ahuja
Assistant Professor English
Email Address : armeen@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address :
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Performance Studies, Semiotics in Theatre, Comparative Literary Studies, Women Studies and Gender Studies, Folk Theatre and Performance, Folklore and Social Identity.
Educational Qualifications
M. Phil, Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literature, University of Delhi
(Comparative Literature)
DissertationTitle– Spatial Evocations in Punjabi Folksongs: Reifying symbols of Spaces and Places
M.A. English Literature, Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi
B.A. (Hons.) English, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
UGC-NET -UGC 2018 Qualified with roll no. 1503327
Subjects Taught
Introdution to Drama, Indian Classical Literature, Romantic Literature, Indian Literature in English and translation, Modern European Drama
Administrative Assignments
Currently serving the responisbilities as:
- Convenor, Vastram- The Sartorial Society of the college.
- Member, Magazine Committee and associate editor of 'Tegh' - the annual magazine of the college.
- Member, Rajbhasha Committee.
- Member, Social Media Committee.
- Member, Women Development Cell.
- Member, Acrostic - The Poetry Society of the college.
- Member, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
Records of the last five years:
- Organised Literary Translation Workshop in collaboration with the Punjabi Department on 10th October, 2024 for the students of SGTB Khalsa College.
- Organised a state level students' seminar on "Literature and the Art of Nonsense" for undergraduate and postgraduate students of literature on April 5-6, 2024.
- Research paper titled The Cyber in the Pandemic Art presented at the Young Researcher’s Conference organised by Department of English, Jamia Milia Islamia from 17 - 18 December, 2022.
Publications Profile
Publications in the last ten years:
- Research paper “Unraveling Spatial evocations in Punjabi Folk Songs: Regions around Jhelum and Chenab” published in Salahiyat Publication of South Asia Research Center of India, vol. 3 no. 11, November 2024.
- Research paper “Cyber in the Pandemic Art” published in the book titled “Panorama of the Pandemic: A Phenomenological Enquiry”, published by Routeldge and CRC Press with ISBN 9781032966731. (Upcoming)
- Punjabi Folksongs and the stories behind the old citiesof Multan and Lahore published in Contemporaray Literary Review India, Vol 7 No. 2: CLRI May 2020. Peer Reviewed open access journal, High Impact factor (5.236) ISSN 2394-6075.
- Constructing Native’s vision and Narrative of Cityscape in Punjabi Folksongs: An Unraveling of Colonial city design in East and West Punjab presented in conference hosted by IMRF – Mysore Chapter, and published in Social Sciences International Research Journal. Referred journal, SE Impact factor 1.97, ISSN 2395 -0544.
- Studying space and Identity through Spatial Evocations in Punjabi Folklore a study of space related symbols in Punjabi Folksongs (and narratives). Published in The Criterion : An International Journal in English (Refereed and indexed Open Access e-journal), ISSN: 0976-8165.
- Guru Nanak’s Baramaah Tukhari and Malik Muhammad Jayasi’s Baramasa Nagmati viyog khand-Padmavat through the lens of Akash theory a research studying placement of husband-wife apparatus in Baramasa and its positioning in Akash. Published in a book Perspectives on Ecocritical Studies, editor- Ram Avadh Prajapati, Adhyayan Publishers and Distributers, ISBN: 978-81-8435-512-3
- Retracing leftovers of Leftist Theatre in retrospect through Habib Tanvir published in book titled Indian English Drama edited by Dipak Giri, published by Aditya Prakashan and Vishwabharti Research Centre, ISBN: 978-93-83109-62-3
- Imagined Image Exploring Imagination surrounding Colonial and Contemporary Exotic Representations A research paper studying the tradition of colonial and post-colonial postcards as an agency of narrow spaced representation of India. Published in International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies, ISSN: 2348- 0343 (Electronic)
- Patriarchy and its colonies: Analysis of systematic oppressing mechanisms a research paper concerning the tactics of colonizers and patriarchy as a coercive cultural force. Published in LAPIS LAZULI An International Literary Journal, ISSN: 2249:4529
Awards and Distinctions
Awarded with "Annasaheb Kirloskar" award by Chattisgarh government and the title of "Best Director" for adapting and directing Jean Paul Sartre's 'No Exit' at Natya Nartan (2022), a national theatre festival organised in Durg, Chattisgarh.
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
- 4-Week (FIP) Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for "Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education”, Delhi, 21 Aug - 19 Sep. 2023 organsed by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Dhote Bandhu Science College Gondia, Maharashtra under the aegis of Ministry of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, Govt. of India.
- One-Week Online National FDP on “Communication, Creative Writing and Personality Development”, DU, Delhi 27 Oct to 3 Nov. 2022 University of Delhi and Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, DU, under the aegis of PMMMNMTT, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
- One-Week Online National FDP on “Visual Communications, Photography, Graphic Design & Animation and Digital Film Production” DU, Delhi 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 2022 University of Delhi and Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, DU, under the aegis of PMMMNMTT, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
- Workshop on “ESTABLISHMENT OF MODALITIES FOR SKILL ENHANCEMENT COURSES” DU, Delhi, 4 - 5 March, 2024 Organised by Skill Enhancement Course Committee, University of Delhi, Conference Centre.
- Workshop on “Typesetting Indian Languages using LaTeX” DU, Delhi 21March 23 March 2024 Organized by the Department of Mathematics, DU.
- FDP on “Craft of the Research and Publication” Virtual Mode,Delhi 25 - 31 Aug. 2022 Organised by Research and Development Cell & IQAC & Department of English, AVP College of Arts and Science, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, incollaboration with Cape Comorin Trust, India.