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Dr. Guntasha Kaur Tulsi

Assistant Professor English

Contact (Off.): 9871843873

Email Address : guntasha@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in

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Indian Writings in English, Regional Literatures of India, European Realism, Literary and Cultural Theory, Media & Communication Skills, English Language Proficiency, Academic Writing, Translation Studies, Soft Skills, Language & Culture

  • B.A. Hons. in English Literature from Hindu College, University of Delhi with a total aggregate of 65% (2007)
  • M.A. in English Literature from Hindu College, University of Delhi with a total aggregate of 61% (2009)
  • M.Phil. in English from the Centre of English Studies, JNU with a total CGPA of 7.57 (2011)
  • Cleared N.E.T (English) in December, 2010.
  • PhD awarded w.e.f. August 22, 2016 from the Centre of English Studies, JNU, Delhi (2016) (Title: Colonial Modernisation and Indigenous Identity Formation: An Analysis of Sikh Education in Sikh Journals (1900-1920)).
  • Awarded the Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching English (PGCTE) from EFL University, Hyderabad with an “A” grade on October 26, 2016.
  • Awarded Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching English (PGDTE) from EFL University, Hyderabad and awarded with an “A+” grade  on May 15, 2020.

  • Assistant Professor (ad-hoc) , 9 months , Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
  • Assistant Professor (ad-hoc) , 6 months , Indraprastha College, University of Delhi
  • Assistant Professor (ad-hoc) , 9 months , Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • Assistant Professor (ad-hoc) , 6 months , Jesus & Mary College, University of Delhi
  • Assistant Professor (Guest) , 4 months , Department of English, GGSIPU
  • Assistant Professor (ad-hoc) , 7 years 3 months , Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi

Detective Fiction, Children’s Literature, Science Fiction, Academic Writing, Proficiency and Fluency courses, Literary Theory, European Classical Literature, Media and Communication, Academic and Technical Writing, Texts in Contemporary and European Classical Literature, Renaissance Poetry AECC, Eighteenth Century Literature, Popular Literature and Indian Writings in English, British Novel, Literary Criticism, Research Methodology, World Literature and Indian Literature in English Translation, Renaissance literature (Shakespeare, Sidney, Spenser and Donne), Restoration Literature (Dryden, Pope and aligned theories of criticism) and courses in English Language Proficiency



  • Served as member of the ECA and the Annual Activity Committee of Maharaja Agrasen College (University of Delhi) between October 22, 2016 to January 23, 2023
  • Have served as the Convenor of Abhinay (the Street Play Society: 2020-21)), Anchoring Pool (also the founder: 2019-22) and Septune (the Music Society: 2020-21) at Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi
  • Currently serving as the Convenor of 'Chalchitra' (the Filmmaking Society) and 'Inkspire' (the English Literary Society) of SGTB Khalsa College
  • Member of the Tegh Magazine Committee and Faculty Editor for the English Section (2024 & 2025 editions) of the Magazine and member of Student Union Committee of SGTB Khalsa College
  • Member of Gandhi Study Circle, SGTB Khalsa College
  • Member of Fateh Society, SGTB Khalsa College

  • Presented a paper titled Changing Social Profiles of Students: Pedagogic Strategies” at a three-day Conference held at Bharati College, Delhi University from Feb.5-7, 2014.
  • Presented a paper titled Interrogating language/identity nexus: A case study through Punjabat the International Mother Language Day Symposium, Centre of Linguistics, JNU on Feb. 21, 2014.
  • Presented a paper on History of Punjabi Language and Modern Sikh Identityat the Punjab History Conference, Punjabi University, Patiala, from March 14-16, 2014.
  • Presented a paper titled “Punjabi Language and Modern Sikh Identity (1900-1920)” at the national conference held at the Department of English, University of Delhi held from September 7-9, 2015.
  • Presented a paper titled “Gender and Space in Sikh Journals” at UGC-sponsored National Seminar held at SGND Khalsa College, University of Delhi from February 9-10, 2016.
  • Presented a paper titled, “Innovative Methods in ELT”, at the two-day international conference held at Shri Rama Engineering College, Tirupati (August 26-27, 2016) under the aegis of ELTAI.
  • Presented a paper titled, “Gandhi’s Ethos and positioning of the mother-tongue”, at the two-day international conference organized by the Department of English, University of Delhi, held between March 4-5, 2020.
  • Presented a paper titled “Language, Identity and Archives: Sikh Newspapers and influence of colonial modernity” at the Faculty Student Seminar Research Series (FSRSS), an initiative by the Department of English, Maharaja Agrasen College on June 1, 2020 in the online mode.
  • Presented a paper titled “Ideology of Ability” at the six-day national conference on “Representation of Disability in Literature and Cinema” held in the webinar mode by Maharaja Agrasen College, Delhi University, between June 15-20, 2020.
  • Presented a paper titled “Interrogating Colonial Historiography: Traditions of ‘Vernacular’ and the Case of Sikh Periodicals (1900-10)” in the SPARC/SAI, in collaboration with Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia (New Delhi) and South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University, Germany, organised International Conference on “Language Ideologies and the 'Vernacular' in South Asian Colonial and Post-colonial Literature(s) and Public Spheres” in the online mode between March 15-17, 2021.
  • Presented a paper at the 6th AINET International Conference titled “Changing Learners, Changing Teachers: ELE in rhe New world” between January 7-9, 2022 in the online mode and my paper was titled “Towards Hybrid teaching/learning: Future of ELE in higher education”.
  • Presented a paper at IACLALS Annual International Conference 2022 (Online) on ‘Circulations, Mediations, Negotiations: New Perspectives on Translation from South Asia’ in collaboration with Janki Devi Memorial College, University of Delhi, from 2nd to 5th March 2022. The paper was titled “Orientalist Worldview, Translation and Indigenous Identity Affirmation in the British Colonial Punjab: The case of Translations of Ernest Trumpp and Max Arthur Macauliffe”.
  • Presented a paper titled “Modernization of Punjabi Language Expression in Sikh Journals (1900-1920): A Case-Study in Language Digitization and Archiving” at 46th International Conference of ICOLSI at University of Kashmir, Srinagar, held between October3-5, 2024.
  • Presented a paper titled "Navigating legacies of Colonialism, Displacement and Cultural Negotiation: A Study of Sikh Periodicals (1900-1920) and framing of Modern Sikh Identity" at the Annual International IACLALS Conference titled "Trauma, Resilience and Healing: Representations in South Asian Literature and Culture" at BITS Pilani (Hyderabad) between Feb. 20-22, 2025.

  • Peer-reviewed article titled, “From Academic Theory to Global Activism: Crisis in Feminism and the Road ahead”, Women’s Link (Vol. 31, No. 1) (An International Bi-Annual Peer-reviewed Jamia journal). ISSN 2229-6409 (Jan. 2024)
  • Co-edited the full-length volume, Media & Communication Skills (with Nidhi Madan and published by Worldview Publishers, Delhi) released in November, 2022 with the ISBN No. 978-93-82267-51-5.
  • Contributed a Translation segment to the Haris Qadeer ed. Medical Maladies: Stories of Disease and Cure from Indian Languages (published by Niyogi Books, ISBN 978-93-91125-75-2). Translation done from Punjabi to English of the two short stories by Kartar Singh Duggal and Ashok Vasishth titled “The Longing” and “The Stranger” , released in December, 2022.
  •  Chapter titled “Demystifying the ‘Legendary’: Re-Visiting Amrita Pritam through her Interface with Popular Indian Media (1947-2005)” published in the volume titled Amrita Pritam: The Writer Provocateur (by Routledge Books, Taylor & Francis Group, U.K.; ISBN: 978-1032102955) released in early 2023 as a part of the larger ‘Writer-in-Context’ Series.
  • Solely authored book-chapter titled “Sikh Periodicals and Popular Literature: Framing Community Consciousness,” re-published in Indian Popular Fiction: Redefining the Canon, ed. by Gitanjali Chawla and Sangeeta Mittal as an international publication by Routledge (Taylor & Francis group), March, 2022 with 978-1-03-214757-4 as its ISBN number.
  • Solely authored research paper titled “Colonial Modernity and Native Identity: A Case Study through Sikh Journals (1900-1920)” published in peer reviewed publication of Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi, titled Indian Journal of Social Enquiry, Vol. 9, September, 2017, ISSN (0974-9012), p. 72-87.
  • Authored a section of the anthology Women’s Writing (2017) on Eunice-de-Souza, edited by Saloni Sharma-ISBN 978-93-83281-81-7-, pp.59-72, published by Book Age Publishers, Delhi.
  • Solely authored book-chapter, titled “Marquez, Magic realism and post-colonial flux” published in the critical edition of Chronicle of a Death Foretold published by Book Age Publishers- Delhi- December, 2017 (ISSN 978-93- 83281-67-1), pp. 165-72.
  • Solely authored book-chapter titled, “Innovative Methods in ELT” published in the book, Teaching English Language and Literature: Innovative Methods and Practices (edited by Dr. G.S. Reddy and Dr. S. Manjula), a publication of Research India Press (Delhi), August 2016, ISBN (978-93-5171-101-8), pp. 24-25.
  • Solely authored article titled, “Pedagogy, the Discourse of Inclusion and Human Rights of the Disabled”, published in the ELT Journal, Fortell (ISSN no. 2229-6557), July 2014, issue no. 29, pp. 10-12.
  • Solely authored article titled, “An Analysis of Vernacular Modernities through Sikh Journals (1873-1920): A Case Study through Punjab” published in the international peer-reviewed journal CIJHAR (ISSN 2277-4157) for April- June, 2014, Vol.3 issue (pp. 157-60).
  • Book Review for Hanif Kureishi’s The Last Word published in, Millennium Post, dated March 18, 2014.
  • Review Article titled “Liberal Arts is more than pop fun” published in The Pioneer, dated March 25, 2014.
  • Book Review for Dhruba Hazarika’s Sons of Brahma, published in Millennium Post, dated May 18, 2014.
  • Review Article titled “More than an Academic Exercise”, published in The Pioneer, dated May 26, 2014.
  • Book Review titled “Conquering Everyday Pathos.” for Akhil Sharma’s Family Life published in the Sunday Editionof The Pioneer, dated June 1, 2014.
  • Review Article titled “All the world’s a page”, published in Millennium Post dated June 8, 2014.




  • Stood first in B.A. Hons. (English) for two consecutive years (2006/07) while also being second in Delhi University for overall results declared in 2007.
  • Awarded the Third Best Prize for presenting paper in the University of Delhi (Department of English) Conference, “The Indian Vernacular Languages, Literatures and Histories,” held between September 7-9, 2015.
  • I topped in Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching English (EFL University, Hyderabad) and have been awarded with Prof. K. Subrahmanian Endowment Fund Prize.
  • Participated as a Resource Person for a Workshop on “Translation and Interpreting” held under CPDHE (UGC- ASC) on September, 28, 2013.
  • Participated as a Resource Person in a Workshop on “Cultural Diversity and Linguistic Plurality” on April 28, 2015 held under the aegis of Department of English, University of Delhi.
  • Participated as a Resource Person in a Workshop on CBCS Marking and Evaluation Pattern in October, 2015, held under the aegis of Department of English, University of Delhi.
  • Engaged in organization and conducting of Remedial English classes in SGND Khalsa College, University of Delhi in the academic year 2015-16.
  • Participated as a Resource Person in OER Workshop conducted by SGND Khalsa College, University of Delhion September 19, 2015.
  • Participated as a Resource Person in “Faculty Development Program on English Language Teaching” organized by English Department, Kamala Nehru College in association with the Embassy of USA, New Delhi from May 3-5, 2016.
  • Organizing member of Interdisciplinary Conference titled, “Reading Migrations: Fractured Histories, Forged Narratives”, held by the Department of English, Maharaja Agrasen College, Delhi University from March 20- 21, 2017.
  • Served as the Chair for the Academic Session titled “Reading Disability: Analyzing Social Variables of Society” conducted on June 16, 2020 for the National Conference of Maharaja Agrasen College, Delhi University, held in the webinar mode. This Conference was titled “Representation of Disability in Cinema and Literature” and was conducted between June 15-20, 2020. Also, served as an Organizing Member of the Conference Committee.
  • Participated in Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on the topic “Quality Assurance and Remedial Teaching” organized by Bharti College, University of Delhi on December 16, 2016.
  • I was the member of the Organizing Committee of the Annual Conference of the Department of English of Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi titled “Indian Popular Fiction: Redefining the Canon” held between January 16-17, 2019.
  • I was the Organizer and the Resource Person as well as the coordinator of the short-term course “English Language Course for Professional Success” conducted by Abdul Kalam Centre of Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi between the years of 2018 to 2022.
  • Completed “English Language Course for Professional Success” (Chapter 3) conducted by Abdul Kalam Centre and Department of English of Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi between Jan.17-March 4, 2022 as its co-coordinator and resource-person. This course was conducted in the hybrid mode and involved participants from both within and outside University of Delhi. It engaged with areas pertaining to overall language proficiency and related improvement in the learners.
  • Served as the Convenor of English Literary Society for the year 2023-24 and organised multiple outdoor visits, talks, seminars, and events. Amongst the organised events were, an immensely beneficial outdoor titled, Majlis-e-Malfuzat: Reading Delhi through Literature on Sept. 17, 2023, a heritage walk-cum-reading session, organized in the Madarsa ruins of Hauz Khas complex; a memorable book-launch of renowned writer Sarbpreet Singh’s Sufi’s Nightingale (Speaking Tiger Books) in collaboration with the Department of Punjabi on Sep. 19, 2023; organisation of an informative talk titled, “Poetics and Politics of War in Cilappatikaram” on October 27, 2023;  a visit to the Partition Museum (Ambedkar University, Delhi) on February 22, 2024, as a collaborative effort between the members of the English and the Punjabi departments and most prominently, organisation of its Annual academic students’ seminar titled topic, “Literature and the Art of Nonsense: The Nonsense Tradition in Literary Cultures and Visual Medium” between April 5-6, 2024.  The event witnessed a wide and intensive participation of research-scholars, speakers and academics who presented wide-ranging papers foregrounding the discussion across literary, visual, and related genres. In the current academic year (2024-25), have organised a heritage walk titled 'Qafila-e-Irfan' to Mehrauli Archeological Park (September 15, 2024)  and a Panel Discussion titled "Invoking 'Gods' & 'Goddesses': Interpreting Mythology and its Evolution through Indian Literature".


  • Invited for the talk titled “Cracking Job Interviews” at MSIT, Janakpuri on December 7, 2020. This was held in the online mode and was attended by B. Tech. students pursuing their engineering degree.
  • Invited for the talk on “Essentials of Academic Writing,” organized by IN-SEARCH as a part of its Foundation Module, and held on July 9, 2021.
  • Invited for the talk on “Elements of Communication: Spoken and Written: A focus on vocabulary- development and e-mail writing” organized by the Department of Applied Sciences, Bharti Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, Indraprastha University, Delhi February 19, 2022.
  • Delivered a presentation on “Role of Minorities in Nation Building” at an event held in SGTB Khalsa College on September 4, 2023, 11.00 a.m. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn8ae7ZaHBw )
  •  Invited as a Faculty Speaker for the extremely well-conceptualised International Faculty-Student Seminar titled, "Conducting Research: Theory & Practice" by the Department of English in collaboration with IQAC at Mata Sundari College, University of Delhi on May 2, 2024.  
  •  Invited Talk: “Personality Development & Soft-Skills Enhancement: Tips & Tricks for B. Tech. students”, at MSIT Janakpuri on February 17, 2025.
  • Invited Talk: Role of Soft Skills and Workplace Ethics in Career Development” , at Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka (Sector 9).
  • Delivered a talk titled “Post-Colonial Feminism” for the platform AK Creations Academy on May 24, 2024, in the Google Meet mode.
  • Delivered a Talk for AIR Akashvani broadcast titled, "March of the Nation" broadcast on Jan. 17, 2024.                           
  • Delivered a Talk for AIR Akashvani broadcast titled, “The life of freedom-fighter, Aruna Asaf Ali” on July 16, 2024.
  • Delivered a Talk for AIR Akashvani broadcast titled, "Three Jewels of North-East" on January 21, 2025 .







Memebr of IACLALS, ICOLSI, Fortell, AINET and CLAI

  • Completed the one-week international Faculty Development Programme held by the Department of English, University of Pondicherry (October 18-24, 2021) titled “Literary Studies in the New Millennium” with an award of A+ in the MCQ examination held.
  • Completed a two-week Refresher Course in “English” between June 18-July 2 with Grade “A” from Ramanujan College, University of Delhi (Organised by Department of English in collaboration with Teaching Learning Center) (under the aegis of Ministry of Education, PMMMNMTT).
  • Completed a 4-Week Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education” from 22 July – 20 August, 2023 and obtained Grade “A” (Organised by Department of English in collaboration with Teaching Learning Center) (under the aegis of Ministry of Education, PMMMNMTT).
  • Organised a Proficiency Workshop under the Anchoring Pool (MAC-ECA Committee) of Maharaja Agrasen College titled “Public Speaking, Pronunciation and Diction” on Oct. 28, 2021 in the hybrid mode and served as one of the resource persons in the same and conducted a session titled “Scripting and Diction”.
  • Organised an English Language Proficiency Workshop for students of Physics (Hons.) on March 27-28, 2023 in the Physics Department, SGTB Khalsa College.