Dr. Akhilesh Kumar
Associate Professor English
Email Address : akhilesh@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address :
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Post-Colonial Literature, Translation Studies
Indian Literature in English Translation (Ancient to Modern)
Indian Writing in English
World Literature
Women’s Writing
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D: Department of English, Arts Faculty, University of Delhi
M.Phil. English: Department of English, Arts Faculty, University of Delhi
MA English: Hansraj College, University of Delhi
BA English (Hons): Shyam Lal College, University of Delhi
Career Profile
- Assistant Professor , 07.02.2009 to 06.02.2022 , SGTB Khalsa College
- Associate Professor , 07.02.2022 to Present , SGTB Khalsa College
Subjects Taught
18th Century British Literature
19th Century British Literature
Post-Colonial Literature
Classical Indian Literature
Pre-Colonial Indian Literature
Modern Indian Literature in English Translation
Indian Writing in English
Literary Criticism
Language, Literature and Culture
Indian Diversity and Literary Movements
Administrative Assignments
Member of College Governing Body 2016-2020
Member, Student Welfare 2009-2011
Member, NSS 2009-2011
Member, Debating Society 2009-2011
CCSPG from 1st October, 2018 to 30th September, 2020
Teacher In Charge at Department of English, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi since May, 2021
M.A. Coordinator (Department of English) 2014 onwards
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
- Presented a paper titled Oral Traditions of Bhojpuri Folklore in Jahajin by Peggy Mohan at an International Conference (11th -12th March 2022) named Oral Traditions/Folk forms in the Norther India on 12th March 2022. Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi
- Presented a paper titled Intersection of Caste and Disability in Premchand’s Rangbhoomi at the 5th Interdisciplinary National Conference (15-20 June 2020) titled representation of Disability in Literature and Cinema, on 16 June 2020. Department of English, Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi
- Presented a paper titled entitled “Representation of differently abled characters in Twentieth century Hindi novel in English Translation from a postcolonial perspective” in the Five Days’s 2nd IDSC International E-Conference on ‘Disability: Resistance, Disruption and Transgression” organised by Indian Disability Studies Collective (IDSC) from 29th November to 3rd December 201 in collaboration with Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College and Centre for Disability Research and Training, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Modan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of Ministry of Education
- Presented a paper titled ‘Reading Doosri Parampara ki Khoj in English Translation from the Perspective of World Literature’ International Conference World Literature: Postcolonial Perspectives, organised by Department of English and the Department of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Delhi from 15th to 17th March 2018
- Presented paper titled Translating Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s Prose Works, relating to literature and culture International Seminar on Beyond Postcolonial Hermeneutics: Comparative Perspectives organized by the School of Translation Studies and Training, IGNOU, New Delhi in collaboration with Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi on 3, 4 & 5 March 2017
- International Conference of Dalit Literature: texts and Contexts organized by Department of English, Delhi University (2019)
- Participated in the International Conference interrogating Disability Studies: Literature, Culture, Performance organized by Department of English, University of Delhi (2018)
- Certificate of lecture delivered in Kalindi college on Modern Indian Writing in English Translation
- Participated in the Mahabharata Conference as the official delegate (2017)
- Certificate of participation in a two-day conference on Culinary Routes/Roots organized by Department of English, Delhi University (2016)
- Certificate of participation in UGC Nation Conference on “The Indian Vernacular: Languages, Literature and History” hosted by Department of English, Delhi University (2015)
Publications Profile
- Kumar, Akhilesh. ““Representation of Disabled Women in the Works of Bankimchandra Chatterjee and Rabindranath Tagore.” Studies in Humanities And Social Sciences. Journal of the Inter-University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences. VOL. XXIV, NUMBER 2, WINTER 2017 Special Issue the Indian Nation and Its Others. Editor: Sumanyu Satpathy
- In Search of Another Tradition. Translated work from the Hindi original, Doosri Parampara Ki Khoj, 2008. Indian Literature. Sahitya Akademi’s Bio-Monthly Journal. Published in 2014.
- Applied Language Course: Translation and Interpreting
Lesson: Unit 3: Introducing Basic Concepts: Code Mixing/Switching, Equivalence, Style, Sub-titling, etc. Institute of Long-life Learning (ILLL). University of Delhi. Published in 2014
- “Debate on Sati System in 19th Century India”. Evolution of Education System in Bharat. First Edition: 2016. Edited by Prof Geeta Singh. Director: ILLL. ISBN: 978-93-85503-46-7
- Chapter-2 “Representation of Women in Partition- Literary Responses” India’s Contemporary Past: Politics, Economy, Society and Literature. Edited by Roopam Jasmeet Kaur. Edition First 2018. ISBN: 978-93-85334-38-2
Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)
R & D Grant: Appointment letter of translation project on Selected Essays of Shrilal Shukla by Department of English, Delhi University.
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
- Refresher course on Indian Folklore, Cultures and Traditions by CPDHE (UGC-HRDC) 2021
- Two-week Faculty Development Programme on Sahitya, Rajneeti, Media Aur Paryavaran: Samsamayiki Sandarbh from 16th July to 31st July 2021 organised by the Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College (University of Delhi) in collaboration with Shyam Lal College (Evening) (University of Delhi) under the aegis of Ministry of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching
- Certificate of FDP on Sahitya, Bhasha, Samaj, Rajniti aur Darshan organized by Ministry of HRD, Pandit Madan Mohan Maviya, National Mission of Teachers and Teaching 2021
- Two-day workshop in Memorializing Partition, organized in collaboration by the 1947 Partition Archive and Centre for Studies in Violence, Memory and Trauma
- Certificate of participation in a Capacity Building Workshop on e-content creation organized by Department of English, SGTB Khalsa College (2016)
- Certificate of participation in ILF-IGNOU Translation Project: Translating Poetry
Workshop organized in collaboration by ILF Smanvay and School of Translation Studies
and Training, IGNOU, New Delhi (2015)
- Certificate of participation in workshop on Cultural Diversity, Linguistic Plurality and
Literary Traditions in India hosted by Department of English, Delhi University (2015)
- Certificate of participation in a two-day workshop on Research Methodology organized by School of Translation Studies and Training, IGNOU, New Delhi (2015)
- Certificate of participation in workshop on PhD Research and Writing hosted by Department of English, Delhi University (2014)