Dr. Bunny Singh Bhatia
Assistant Professor Commerce
Email Address : bunny@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address :
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Finance, Taxation, Statistics, Econometrics
Educational Qualifications
PhD, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
M Phil, Delhi School of Economics,University of Delhi
M Com, Delhi School of Economics,University of Delhi
Career Profile
- Assistant Professor , 2023- present , SGTB Khalsa College
- Assistant Professor , 2015-2023 , Sri Aurobindo College
- Assistant Coordinator , 2021-2023 , IGNOU
- Assistant Professor , 2014-2015 , Sri Aurobindo College (Eve)
- Guest Faculty , , , SRCC, Zakir Hussain College, Dyal Singh College, SPM College
Subjects Taught
Basic Econometrics,Income Tax, Business Statistics, Financial Accounting, Corporate Accounting
Administrative Assignments
Co-Convenor Enactus, SGTB Khalsa College
Executive Staff Assocaition, SGTB Khalsa College
Member Canteen Committee, Placement Commitee, Staff room committee, Commerce Society, NSS Committee, SGTB Khalsa College
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
- Presented a paper on Innovative Practices in Education Around the World at the National Conference, Delhi (Ph.D. Chamber and Sri Aurobindo College (E)).Feb 5, 2020
- Presented a paper at the International Conference by MAIMS and Lincoln University, Delhi.Dec 3-4, 2020
- Presented a paper on Critical Determinants of Dividend Policy at the International e-Conference (CLBFEP), Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Online.Nov 28-29, 2020
- Presented a paper titled Testing of Outcome Hypothesis: Evidence from Indian Companies at the 2nd International Conference of GRFCG, Delhi.Sept 10-11, 2022:
- Moderated a session at the 2nd International Conference of GRFCG, Delhi.Sept 10-11, 2022
Awards and Distinctions
- Best Paper Award for the paper titled “Study of Antecedents affecting the satisfaction of Online learner in India” in International Conference organised by Maharaja Agarsen Institute of Management Studies, SGGSIPU and LINCOLN University in December, 2020
- Best Presenter Award and Best Content Analysis Award for the paper titled “Innovative practises in education around the world” in National Conference on SDG-4 organised by Phd Chamber of Commerce and Industry in February , 2020
- Won First prize and Best paper award for paper titled “Dividend Decisions and pay-out policy: An Empirical Analysis of listed Indian Companies” presented in the Vivekananda Institute’ National Conference-2014 (VINC’2014) On “Business Rethinking and Innovative Solutions Together for Reinventing Management” during Feb. 26-27, 2014 organized by VIPS, Delhi, India (Also, appeared in top 10 downloading list of paper in SSRN)
- Honoured with the Award of Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing in SEPTEMBER 2014 for recognition of an outstanding contribution to the quality of the Journal for the paper titled “A Comparative analysis of financial inclusion with special reference to India” in Indian Stream Research Journal
- Won Best Paper Award at ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on “Emerging issues of Climate Change” held on 21st- 22nd October, 2016
- Received Best Research Paper Award for paper entitled “ Study of inter -linkages in the balance of payment of India at UGC sponsored National Seminar on 26th- 27th February , 2016
- Cleared “CT-1 Financial Mathematics” and “CT -7 Business Economics” examinations conducted by Institute of Actuaries of India in 2011
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
4-Week Faculty Induction/ Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities/ Colleges/ Institutes of Higher Education” (obtained grade A+): 22-06-2023 to 21-07-2023 from TLC, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, under the aegis of PMMMNMTT, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
2-Week Refresher Course in Commerce (obtained grade A+): 31-07-2023 to 14-08-2023 from TLC, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, and SST College of Arts & Commerce, Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra under the aegis of PMMMNMTT, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.