Prof. T. Venugopalan
Professor Commerce
Contact (Off.): 8826929740
Email Address : venugopalan@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address :
Areas of Interest / Specialization
- Accounting and Finance
- Corporate Governance
- Sustainable Development and Tourism Management
- Investment Management and Behavioural Finance
- Research Methodology
Educational Qualifications
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), University of Delhi, New Delhi.
- Master of Commerce (M.Com), University of Calicut
- Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), University of Calicut
Career Profile
- Professor , 21 Years , SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
Subjects Taught
Financial Management, Corporate Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Investment Management, Corporate Laws, Business Laws, Indian Economy, Human Resource Management, Business Organisation and Management, Corporate Governance and Business Ethics, Business Statistics, Business Entrepreneurship, Principles of Management, Public Administration, Business Research Methods, International Business, International Financial Management, Global Business Strategy.
Administrative Assignments
- Placement Coordinator - (2012-2016)
- Convenor of the Department of Commerce
- Member, PF Committee
- Member, Proctorial Board
- Member, Anti-ragging Committee
- Member, Committee for Prevention against Sexual Harassment.
- Member, Western Dance Society
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
- Determinants of Debt Maturity in Indian Corporate Sector. National Conference on Achieving Business Excellence through Sustainable Innovation, NDIMS, Delhi. 02-03/02/2019.
- Sustainability of Delhi Tourism: Perception of Tourists. (2019 January), Achieving Business Excellence through Sustainable Innovations, DIAS, Delhi.5/01/2019.
- Determinants of Debt Maturity Structure in Indian Corporate Sector. (2019 March), National Conference on Paradigm Shift in Management Practices for Fostering Excellence, DIAS, Delhi. 03/01/2019.
- Paradigm Shift in Corporate Governance in Post-Indian Companies Act 2013 Regime. International Conference on Corporate Governance: Issues, Challenges and Changing Paradigms, Global Research Foundation for Corporate Governance, GRFCG, New Delhi.7-8/9/2019.
- Agency Problems, Board Characteristics and Corporate Governance in Post-Indian Companies Act 2013. International Conference on Industry 4.0: Impact of Technology on Business Environment. DIAS, New Delhi. 06/01/2020.
- Board Characteristics, Corporate Governance and Agency Problems in Indian Companies. International Conference on Transforming HR in the Digital Era: Prospects and Implicit Issues. Institute of Management Studies (IMS), Ghaziabad. 11/01/2020.
- Analysis of Board Characteristics Agency Problems and Corporate Governance in Post-Indian Companies Act 2013. Globalizing Indian Thoughts, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kozhikode, Kerala. 16-18/01/2020.
- Tourism and Sustainability in India: An Exploratory Research on Sustainability of Delhi Tourism. 5th Biennial International Conference on Ensuring a Sustainable Future: Role of Entrepreneurship, Innovation in Management Practices, and Circular Economy, SGGSCC, University of Delhi. 11/3/2020.
- Agency Problems and Corporate Governance in Pre- and Post-Indian Companies Act 2013. International Conference, Fortune Institute for International Business (FIIB), New Delhi. 16-18/12/2020.
- Impact of Governance Committees on Dividend Decisions of Indian Companies. International Management Conference 2021, Centre for Management Studies, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. 21-22 May 2021.
- Mandatory CSR and SGDs: Common Aims for Developing India. International Management Conference 2021. Centre for Management Studies, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. 21-22 May 2021.
- Cross-Listing Effects on the Indian Corporate Sector. International Conference on Standardizing Management Practices: Challenges and Opportunities, Faculty of Management Studies Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (Rajasthan). 12-14 August 2021.
- A Review of Dividend Policy Theories and Determinants. International Conference on Commerce, Management and Interdisciplinary Subjects (ICCMIS), Department of Commerce and International Business School of Business Studies. Central University of Kerala. Kerala. 28-29 October 2021.
- Sustainability of Heritage Tourism Development in Delhi. International Conference on Emerging Issues in Business and Economic Research: Department of Commerce, Rajdhani College, University of Delhi.17-19 December 2021.
- Cross-Listing Consequences on Emerging Economics, Systematic Literature Review. International Conference on Emerging Issues in Business and Economic Research: Department of Commerce, Rajdhani College, University of Delhi.17-19 December 2021.
- Impact of Covid-19 on the Stock Prices of Socially Responsible Enterprises: An Empirical Study in Indian Stock Market. International Conference on Impact of Covid-19 on HUMPEAR 2022. Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University), Dayalbagh, Agra, Uttar Pradesh. 7 November 2022
- Heritage Tourism Development in Uttar Pradesh. International Conference on Impact of Covid-19 on HUMPEAR 2022. Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University), Dayalbagh, Agra, Uttar Pradesh. 7 November 2022.
- Agency Problems and Corporate Governance in Pre- and Post-Indian Companies Act 2013. 7th International Conference, Fortune Institute for International Business (FIIB), New Delhi. 7-8/01/2022.
- Does ESG Disclosure Influence and the Financial Performance of FMCG Companies Evidence from An Emerging Economy? 74-All India Commerce Conference-2023-One Earth, One Family, One Future. All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association (AIICA), The Department of Commerce, Faculty of Commerce and Business, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. 13-15/12/2023.
- Sustainability and Tourism in India: Stakeholders’ Perception on Sustainability of Uttar Pradesh Heritage Tourism. National Conference on Sustainability through Strategy, Skills, and Innovation. DIAS, Delhi.15/04/2023.
- Discussion on Translated Literary Works of Ram Darash Mishra Ji. Centenary Celebration of the Literary Life of Ramdarash Mishra. International Conference. Hindi Department, IQAC, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, and Hindi Academy Delhi.12-13 December, 2024.
Research Guidance
- Cross Listing in Indian Corporate Sector. (Gayathri Meena). Department of Commerce, University of Delhi.
- Dividend Policy Determinants and Impact of Dividend Policy on the Stock Price Volatility in Indian Corporate Sector. (Bharat Khurana). Department of Accountancy and Law, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra.
- CSR and Corporate Governance in Indian Corporate Sector. (Akriti Goyal). Department of Accountancy and Law, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra.
Publications Profile
Research Papers:
- Liquidity risk Hypothesis and debt maturity in Indian Corporate Sector. (2013). International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies. Vol. 4, pp.28-48. ISSN: 2156-7506.
- Agency Problems, Growth Options and Debt Maturity in Indian Corporate Sector. (2013). Journal of Indian Finance, ISSN: 0973-8711, Vol. 8(1), pp.29-42.
- How Tax Hypothesis Determine Debt Maturity in Indian Corporate Sector. (2014). Journal of Business and Finance, ISSN: 2305-1825, Vol. 01 (03), pp.112-125.
- Analysis of Debt Portfolio in Indian Corporate Sector. (2014). Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, ISSN: 2249-7307, Vol.4(3), pp.460-478.
- Signaling Hypothesis, Asymmetric Information and Debt Maturity in Indian Corporate Sector. (2014). Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance. Vol.4(3), pp.5-27. ISSN: 2249-7323.
- Sustainable Development through Sustainable Tourism: A Case Study of Kerala Tourism. (2017). Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management. Vol.7(12), pp.10-17. ISSN: 22497307.
- Agency Problems and Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Indian Corporate Sector. JK International Journal of Management and Social Sciences. (2018). Vol.1(2), Page No. 21-37. ISSN: 2581-7337.
- Sustainability of Tourism in India: Perception of Tourists on Delhi Tourism. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management. (2018). Vol.1(12), Page No. 11-17. ISSN: 2454-9150.
- Debt Maturity Structure in Indian Companies: A Panel Data Analysis. International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research. (2019). Vol. 6.2 (34), Page No. 62-71. e-ISSN: 23947780.
- Sustainability of Kerala Tourism: Perception of Stakeholders. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS). (2020). Vol.10 (9), pp.234-265. ISSN: 2249-7382.
- Sustainable Tourism Development in India: Perception of Tourism Business Operators about Goa Tourism. Research Review: International Journal of Multidisciplinary. (2020), Vol.6 (2), pp.154-164. ISSN: 2455-3085.
- Sustainable Tourism Development in Goa: Perception of Stakeholders. Research Review: International Journal of Multidisciplinary. (2021), Vol. 6(3), pp.121-133. ISSN: 2455-3085.
- Sustainable Tourism Development in Goa: Perception of Tourists. Journal of Advances & Scholarly Research in Allied Education. (2021), Vol.18(1), pp.98-106. ISSN: 22030-7540.
- Sustainable Tourism Development in Goa: Perception Local Community. European Journal of Business Management Research (EJBMR), (2012), Vol.1, pp.1-8. ISSN: 2507-1076.
- Sustainable Tourism Development in India: Perception of Stakeholders About Goa Tourism. Shodh Sanchar Bulletin. (2021), Vol. 11 (41), pp.131-137. ISSN: 2229-3620.
- Sustainable Tourism Development in India: An Exploratory Research on Delhi Tourism. Archives of Business Research. (2021), Vol.9(4), pp.180-197. ISSN: 2054-7404.
- Sustainable Destination Management in India: Perspectives of Stakeholders about Kerala Tourism. Archives of Business Research. (2021), Vol.9 (4), pp.198-217. ISSN: 2054-7404.
- Agency Problems Corporate Governance During Post and Pre-Indian Companies Act 2013 Regimes. Archives of Business Research. (2021), Vol.9(4), pp.218-237. ISSN: 2054-7404.
- Paradigm Shift in Agency Problems Corporate Governance During Post-Indian Companies Act 2013. Shodh Sanchar. (2021), Vol.11 (41), pp.131-137. ISSN: 2229-3620.
- Cross Listing and Its Long-term Financial Benefits to Corporate Sector: Review of Literature. Shodh Sarita. (2021), Vol.8 (29), pp.131-137. ISSN: 2348-2397.
- Maturity Matching Hypothesis and Debt Maturity in the Indian Corporate Sector. Shodh Sarita. (2021), Vol.8 (29), pp.131-137. ISSN: 2348-2397.
- Board Characteristics and Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Indian Companies. International Journal of Competition and Business Growth (IJBGJ). (2021), Vol.7(3), pp.231-241. ISSN:2042-3853.
- Sustainable Heritage Tourism Development in India: A Case of Delhi Heritage Tourism. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI). (2021), Vol.12(9), pp. 2190-2209. ISSN: 1309-6591.
- Uttar Pradesh Heritage Arc: A Model of Heritage Tourism Development in India. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI). (2021), Vol.12(9), pp. 2210-2222. ISSN: 1309-6591.
- Sustainable Tourism Development in India: Positive and Negative Aspects. Shodhsamhita: Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research. Vol. 8, (9 II), 2021: pp. 195-200. ISSN: 2277-7067.
- Cross-Listing Effects on Indian Corporate Sector. Journal of Education: Rabindra Bharati University. (2022). Vol: 24 (1[XII]), pp. 1-8. ISSN: 0972-7175.
- Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Dividend Policies in Indian Companies. Shodhsamhita: Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research. (2022). Vol:8 I(XXI), pp.108-121. ISSN: 2277-7067.
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance: The Role and Perspectives of Stakeholders. (2022) Shodhsamhita: Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research. (2022). Vol:8 I(XXI), pp.122-131. ISSN: 2277-7067.
- Determinants of Corporate Dividend Policy: A Review of Literature. Education and Society. Multidisciplinary Special Issue September (2022). pp. 83-98. ISSN: 2278-6864.
- Determinants of Debt Maturity Structure in Indian Corporate Sector, Scholar’s Press. ISBN 978-3-63951912-9. (2014)
- Sustainability and Tourism: A Case Study of Kerala Tourism, Lambert Publications. ISBN 978-613-9-96925-8. (2019)
- Sustainable Tourism Development in India: A Case Study of Goa Tourism. Mahi Publishers. ISBN: 978-93-90651-76-4. (2021)
Chapters Contributed in Books:
- Agency Cost, Debt Maturity and Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Indian Corporate Sector, Business Management Practices New Trends and Challenges, Bharti Publications, New Delhi. (2018), 192-203.ISBN: 978-93-86608-60-4.
- Agency Problems and Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Indian Corporate Sector, D.P.S. Publishing House, New Delhi. (2018) 94-112. ISBN 978-93-83046.
- Sustainability of Kerala Tourism: Perception of Stakeholders. Conference Proceedings, Excel India Publishers, ISBN: 9789386724823.
- Determinants of Debt Maturity in Indian Corporate Sector, National Conference on Achieving Business Excellence through Sustainable Innovation, DIMS, Delhi. (2019), 211-221, ISBN: 978-81-937926-1-2.
- Analysis of Board Characteristics, Agency Problems, and Corporate Governance in Post-Indian Companies Act 2013, (2020 January), International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thoughts, IIM Kozhikode, Kerala, ISBN: 978-81-926239-5-5.
Chapter Contributed to e-Book for B.A. (Prog) Application Course (2006), University of Delhi.:
- Tourism Experiences in India: A Special Reference to Goa/pdf, http://www.du.ac.in
- Emerging Dimensions in Tourism: India Specific/pdf, http://www.du.ac.in
- Emerging Concepts in Effective Tourism developments/pdf, http://www.du.ac.in
- Emerging Tourism Scenario/pdf, http://www.du.ac.in
Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)
- Project Director – “Sustainable Tourism Development in India: A Case Study of Goa Tourism” – ICSSR Funded Project, 2015-2017.
- Principal Investigator – “Sustainable Development through Sustainable Tourism in India A Case Study of Kerala Tourism” – Delhi University Innovation Projects, 2015-2016.
- Project Director – “Sustainable Tourism Development in India: A Case Study of Uttar Pradesh Heritage Tourism” – ICSSR Funded Project, 2019-2021.
Awards and Distinctions
Best Paper Awards:
- Agency Problems and Corporate Governance Mechanisms in the Indian Corporate Sector. International Conference on Performance Analytics, JK International Business School, Delhi. 11-12/05/2018. (Reviewers Award for Best Paper)
- Sustainability of Delhi Tourism: Perception of Tourists. (2019 January), Achieving Business Excellence through Sustainable Innovations, DIAS, Delhi.5/01/2019.
- Determinants of Debt Maturity Structure in the Indian Corporate Sector. (2019 March), National Conference on Paradigm Shift in Management Practices for Fostering Excellence, DIAS, Delhi. 03/01/2019.
- Board Characteristics, Corporate Governance and Agency Problems in Indian Companies. International Conference on Transforming HR in the Digital Era: Prospects and Implicit Issues. Institute of Management Studies (IMS), Ghaziabad. 11/01/2020.
- Sustainability of Heritage Tourism Development in Delhi. International Conference on Emerging Issues in Business and Economic Research: Department of Commerce, Rajdhani College, University of Delhi.17-19 December 2021.
- Sustainability and Tourism in India: Stakeholders’ Perception on Sustainability of Uttar Pradesh Heritage Tourism. National Conference on Sustainability through Strategy, Skills, and Innovation. DIAS, Delhi.15/04/2023.
Association With Professional Bodies
- Life Member, Indian Commerce Association (ICA)
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
- Orientation Course. UGC-ASC, CPDHE, University of Delhi. 08/12/2005- 04/01/2006.
- Refresher Course in Commerce. UGC-ASC, CPDHE, University of Delhi. 01/03/2006- 22/03/2006.
- Refresher Course in Financial Management. CPDHE- ASC, University of Delhi. (11-16/11/2013 to 16-28/12/2013).
- National Faculty Development Programme (NFDP) on Data Handling and Advance Analytics, SBSC, University of Delhi. (02 - 8 May 2016)
- Workshop on Anti-Plagiarism ICT Tools, Guru Angad Dev TLC, PMMMNMTT, MHRD, SGTB Khalsa College, Delhi University, Delhi. (2017).
- National Level Workshop on Structural Equation Modelling and Scale Development- Version III. Department of Management Studies, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, Tamil Nadu. (26-30 June 2018).
- Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Sustainable Development, ARSDC, University of Delhi. (15-22 October 2018).
- Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Academic Writing and Research Methodology (Interdisciplinary), MHAR, PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Mahatma Hansraj College, Delhi University, Delhi. (16-29 November 2018).
- Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Challenges Before Academia in the Era of Gadgets, E-communication and AI. (Interdisciplinary), MHAR PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Mahatma Hansraj College, Delhi University, Delhi. (15-28 December 2018).
- Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Basic Research Methods, Guru Angad Dev TLC, PMMMNMTT, MHRD, SGTB Khalsa College, Delhi University, Delhi. (May 25-20, 2019).
- Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Business Research Methodology, Sri Venkateshwara College, PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Department of Commerce, Delhi University, Delhi. (November 19-25, 2019).
- Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurship and Motivation. Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Govt. of India. 25-29 June 2019.
- Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Academic Research Writing and Research Methodology. Guru Angad Dev TLC, PMMMNMTT, MHRD, SGTB Khalsa College, Delhi University, Delhi. (March 4-10, 2021).