Dr. Paramjeet Kaur
Associate Professor Commerce
Contact (Off.): 9899060858
Email Address : paramjeetkaur@sgtbkhalsa.du.ac.in
Address : H 22, Green Park (Main), New Delhi 110016
Areas of Interest / Specialization
- Finance
- Economics
Educational Qualifications
Year Qualification
1979 B. Com (Hons) Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi
1981 M. Com, Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi
1986 M. Phil. Department of Commerce, South Delhi Campus, University of Delhi
2006 Ph.d., Department of Business Economics, University of Delhi
Career Profile
- Associate Professor , 43 years , SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
Subjects Taught
- Financial Markets, Institutions and Services.
- International Business.
- Leadership and Team Development.
- Macro-economics.
- Indian Economy
- Cost Accounting.
- Business Law.
- Auditing
Administrative Assignments
- Executive Member, Staff Association (2015-16)
- Vice-President, Staff Association (2016-17)
- Convenor, Staff Room and GCR Committee (2017-2019)
- Convenor, Fine Arts Society, STROKES (Since 2017-18)
- Convenor, Internal Complaints Committee (2019-21)
- Member, Provident Fund Committee (2012-21)
- Convenor, Screening Committee (2018-19)
- Member, College Governing Body (2021-22)
- NAAC coordinator for the Department (2015-16)
- Executive Member, Staff Association (2021-22)
- Executive Member, Staff Association (2022-23)
- Member, Academic Affairs Committee (2017-18)
- Have been part of Departmental Selection Committee formed for appointment of Ad-hoc and Guest faculty. (Since 2016-17).
- Worked as Polling Officer for conducting Staff Association Elections (2013-14).
- Have been a member in various committees of the college viz. Founders Day Committee, Annual Prize Distribution Committee, Student Welfare Committee, Art and Culture Committee, Music Society, College Festival, Divinity Society)
Administration of the Department
- Served as Convener of the Department (2018-19) and Officiating Convener (November, 2021-Apri 2022). As convener of the Commerce Department, conducted the Orientation program for the First-year students in November 2021 and in July 2018.
- Was instrumental in initiating the Annual Commerce Festival (Comzone) of the department as convener in the year 2000-2001.
- As coordinator of the Commerce Society in the year 2013-14, introduced a Lecture Series "Comtalks" on various contemporary issues in Commerce and Economics in the year 2013-14. Also organized various events during Comzone- the Annual Commerce Festival of the Department.
- Was the Chief Editor Of the magazine of the Department, "Spectracom" (2017-18)
- Have been part of Admissions Committee, Internal Assessment and Moderation Committee and Workload Committee over the years.
- Have been actively involved in organizing various Seminars, Talks and Workshops for the Department. Have been involved in organising and judging various events during the commerce festival, Fresher’s welcome and students’ farewell functions over the years.
Publications Profile
Authored a book titled 'Finanacial Markets and Institutions' in 2023
Kaur, Paramjeet (2023). Financial Markets and Institutions (1st edition). New Delhi, Sultan Chand and Sons. ISBN 978-93-91820-53-4 (TC-1291)
Association With Professional Bodies
- Life Member, ‘Kautilya’ Foundation, of Department of Business Economics, University of Delhi.
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
- Acted as the Convenor/Member of the Committees for preparing the syllabus content of the following papers of B.Com (Hons.), B.Com and B.A.(Accounting and Finance Group) as per Undergraduate Curriculum Framework (UGCF) – 2022 based on National Education Policy (NEP).
(a): Investment Banking and Financial Services – B. Com (H) (DSE) –(Convenor)
(b): Financial Markets – B.A. (Core) – (Convenor)
(c): Financial Institutions – B.A. (Core) – (Convenor)
(d): Financial Services – B.A. (DSE) – (Convenor)
(e): Financial Markets and Institutions – B. Com (H) (DSE) – (Member)
(f): Financial Markets and Institutions – B.Com (DSE) – (Member)
- Was Member of the Faculty of Commerce and Business, University of Delhi, from 2015 to 2018. Was involved in preparing syllabus and scheme of examination for MBA (Financial Management).
- Was Member of the Working Group for the revision of the contents of CBCS Revised Syllabus (LOCF) for the paper titled ‘International Business’ of B.Com (H) constituted by Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. (January-March 2019)
- Was a member of the Working Group for the Revision and Development of the Courses of B.Com (H) and B.Com under CBCS for Tax and International Business area (2018)
- Was Convenor of the Committee for preparing Guidelines for B.Com (H) paper entitled ‘Financial Markets, Institutions and Services’ in 2017.
- Participated in preparation of Guidelines of B.Com (H) paper entitled ‘Financial Markets, Institutions and Services’ in 2018 organised by Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi in association with SGND College, University of Delhi.
- Participated in preparation of Guidelines of B.Com (H) paper entitled ‘Financial Markets, Institutions and Services’ in 2019 and 2020 organised by Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi in association with Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi.
- Was involved in preparing Guidelines for B.Com (H) paper entitled ‘Human Resource Management’ in 2020 organised by Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi in association with Zakir Hussain College, University of Delhi and preparing the Reading List for the same.
- Have been participating in the workshops for restructuring of syllabus and the readings for Macro-Economics (Paper CH 3.5) during 2005-2013 in Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics
- Participated in the workshops for restructuring of syllabus and the readings for “Indian Economy – Performance and Policies in 2012-13 organised by Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics.
- Have been the paper setter and Head Examiner for the paper in ‘International Business’ for B Com (Hons.) – (2015-2019)
- Have been the Moderator/ Head Examiner /Additional Head Examiner for various other papers, viz. Macro Economics, Cost Accounting, Indian Economy for B Com (Hons) University Examination during 2005-13.
- Participation in Online one-week National level Faculty Training Programme on, ‘Pedagogical Training for Effective Online Teaching and Learning’, organised by Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi and K.T.H.M College, Nashik from 3rd to 10th August 2020.
- Participation in Webinar on, ‘Art of Writing Research Paper: Literature Review Perspective’, organised by Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce in collaboration with Department of Commerce, University of Delhi, held on 26th February, 2019.
- Participated in Biennial Convention on ‘Transforming India’s Business Landscape Role of Disruptive Innovation & Entrepreneurship’ organized by Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, University of Delhi, February 4th and 5th, 2016.
- Participated in Faculty Empowerment Workshop for Commerce Teachers on ‘Computer Applications in Business’ organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre in collaboration with Indian Accounting Association, Delhi Chapter held on 20-21 January, 2017.
- Participated in 3rd International Conference on ‘Booming Service Sector: From Achievements to Growth Prospects’ organized by Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, University of Delhi, February 4th and 5th, 2016.