Areas of Interest / Specialization
- Reproductive biology of Angiosperms
- Mycology & phytopathology
- Industrial & Environment microbiology
- Economic botany & biotechnology
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D. (Botany)
Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Masters (Botany)
Department of Botany, University of Delhi
Graduation (Botany)
Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi
NET (Life Sciences)
Career Profile
- Assistant Professor (Permanent) , 2 years , Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi
- Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc) , 5 years , Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi
Subjects Taught
B.Sc. (H) Botany, B.Sc. (Prog.) Life Sciences, Generic Electives papers, Environmental Sciences: Papers-
Biodiversity, Microbiology & phycology, Plant microbe interactions, Mycology & phytopathology, Economic Botany, Ecology, plant Ecology & taxonomy, Biofertilizers, Environment science, Plant Anatomy & Embryology, Economic botany & biotechnology, Plant Physiology, Plant physiology & metabolism, Industrial & environment microbiology, Reproductive biology of angiosperms
Administrative Assignments
Convenor: General Garden (December 2023)
Member: Garden committee (2021-2022)
Member: Tegh- Magazine Committee (December 2023)
Convenor: Floridus- The Botanical Society (2023-2025)
Member: Admission Committee (2018-2019, 2024)
Member: Departmental Library (2019-2021)
Member: Departmental Stock taking (2018-2024)
Member: Sri Guru Har Rai Botanical Garden (2019-2025)
Member: Green Fingers Club (2021-2024)
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last Five years)
- Paper presentation at the international conference, organized by Department of Botany, RBVRR, Women’s College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India held on December 2-3, 2022.
- Event Coordinator member for the Lecture–II of the Lecture series held for celebrating the International Year of Millets, 2022-23, organised by the Department of Botany, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on September 7, 2022.
- Event-coordinator member for the online virtual tour of CFTRI events organized by the Botanical Society “Floridus”, Department of Botany, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on March 23, 2022.
- Event Coordinator for the Inter College Poster competition on “Nutraceuticals: Towards Healthier Lifestyle” during the Poshan Mah celebrations held on September 30, 2021, organized by Department of Botany, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi.
- Member organizing committee for the online events held during celebration of World Environment Day organized by the Botanical Society, Department of Botany, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on September 5, 2021.
- Program Coordinator for the Webinar-cum-Workshop: Series II organised by the Green Fingers Club in collaboration with Department of Botany, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on November 28, 2020.
- Member organizing committee in the event based on theme ‘Pollination’ organized by the Botanical Society, Department of Botany, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi held on October 29, 2020.
- Two day International Conference on Guru Nanak’s Philosophy and Legacy organised at SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi held on February 22-23, 2019.
- Member of organizing committee in one day workshop on “Gardening: Cultivate learning and living” organized by the Department of Botany, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on September 20, 2017.
Publications Profile
Research publication:
- Kaur, Inderdeep, Kaur Preeti, et al (2023). “Evaluation of Morphological Growth Response of Abelmoschus esculentus (Okra) to Simple Organic Supplements." International Journal of Plant & Environment 9 (3): 277-281.
- Kaur Preeti and Bansal KC (2010). Efficient production of transgenic tomatoes via Agrobacterium- mediated transformation. Biologia Plantarum 54: 344-348.
- Kaur Preeti, Samuel DVK and Bansal KC (2010). Fruit-specific Over-expression of LeEXP1gene in Tomato Alters Fruit Texture. Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology 19 (2): 177-183.
- Kaur Preeti and Bansal KC (2010). Transgenics in Horticulture- Status, Opportunities and Limitations. In “Recent Initiatives in Horticulture” (KL Chadha, AK Singh and VB Patel, eds.), Chapter #41. Proceedings of 3rd Indian Horticulture Congress, New R & D initiatives in Horticulture for Accelerated Growth and Prosperity, 6-9 November 2008, Bhubaneswar, pp 511-520. Westville Publishing House, India (ISBN: 81-85873-54-1).
- Bansal KC, Kaur Preeti, et al (2008). Biotechnological approaches for post-harvest quality improvement and value addition. In “Post-Harvest Technology and Value Addition in Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds” (PS Kendurkar, GP Srivastava, M Mohan and M Vajpeyi, Eds.), pp 43-47. Proceedings of International Conference on Post-harvest Technology and Value Addition in cereals, pulses and oilseeds, 27-30 November 2006 Kanpur. The Indian Society of Agricultural Biochemists, India (ISBN: 81-909382-0-4).
- Kaur Preeti and Kothari SL (2004). In vitro culture of kodo millet: Influence of 2,4-D and picloram in combination with kinetin on callus initiation and regeneration. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 77: 73-79.
- Kaur Preeti and Kothari SL (2003). Embryogenic callus induction and efficient plant regeneration from root cultures of kodo millet. Phytomorphology 53(1): 49-56.
Other articles:
- Contributed in compiling of Comprehensive document entitled “Green Spaces in the College Campus” as a team member of the General Garden Committee of SGTB Khalsa College under the supervision of Convenor, General Garden, Prof. Inderdeep Kaur, 2019-2021, pp 1-80.
- Contributed article in form of Quiz for the College magazine “The savior of Human Rights: Guru Tegh Bahadur” commemoration to 400th Parkash Purab of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib (Inderdeep Kaur, Surinder Kaur et al, Eds.) SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, April 2021, pp 47-48.
Awards and Distinctions
- Awarded Best oral paper presentation award at the international conference, organized by Department of Botany, RBVRR, Women’s College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India held on December 2-3, 2022.
Association With Professional Bodies
- Life Member of Delhi University Botanical Society (DUBS)
- Life Member of International Society of Environmental Botanists (ISEB)
- Life Member of Microbiologists Society, India
- Associate Editorial Board Member of Environmental Science Archives, an International Journal (Annual Member)
Refresher/Orientation/FDP/Workshop/ Programme
- Two-Week Refresher Course on ‘Life Sciences’ (obtained grade A+) from March 17, 2023 to April 1, 2023 from TLC, Ramanujan College, Delhi University in collaboration with Miranda House, under the aegis of PMMMNMTT, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
- 4-Week Faculty Induction/ Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities/ Colleges/ Institutes of Higher Education” from June 20, 2022 to July 19, 2022 from TLC, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, under the aegis of PMMMNMTT, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
- Inaugural Ceremony of Faculty Induction Programme “NEP 2020: Pedagogical Imperatives of Higher Education” on December 1, 2023 organized by University of Delhi.
- Two day Workshop on “Bonsai: Style and Design for Beginners” on August 12 & 14th, 2024 organized by the Department of Botany, Hindu College, University of Delhi, under the aegis of DBT Star College Scheme and IQAC.
- NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programme from November 13, 2023 to November 24, 2023 organized by UGC-MMTTC, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi.
- One day Workshop on “Planning, Conducting and Writing up of Small Research Projects” on July 28, 2023 organized by Mahatma Hansraj Faculty Development Centre, Hansraj College.
- Valedictory Ceremony of Centenary Celebrations, on June 30, 2023 organized by University of Delhi.
- One Week National Faculty Development Program on Understanding Sikh History for Higher Education” from January 5-7, 2023 organized by the Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi.
- One Week National Faculty Development Program on “Basic IT tools, Advanced Spreadsheet tools and Statistical Software Package with SPSS” from October 27, 2022 to November 3, 2022 organized by GAD-TLC, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi.
- National Webinar entitled “Experiential Learning as Envisaged in NEP-2020” on June 19, 2022 organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi.
- One Week National Faculty Development Program on “Basics of Research Methodology and Issues in Plagiarism (An Interdisciplinary Approach)” from May 31, 2022 to June 06, 2022 organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre and Department of Business Economics, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi.
- Six day Workshop on “Microbes for sustainable and Resilient Future” from December 6, 2021 to December 11, 2021 organised by Delhi University Botanical Society, Department of Botany, University of Delhi.
- Workshop (Continuous Professional Development) “Blended Learning with LMS-MOODLE (basic and advanced)” on September 11-12, 2021 and September 18-19, 2021 organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi.
- Two Week National Faculty Development Program (Interdisciplinary) on “Biostatistical & Mathematical Skills with Excel and R”: August 16, 2021 to August 31, 2021 from Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre and Department of Botany & Department of Mathematics, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi.
- One Week National Faculty Development Program on “Qualitative Research & Issues in Plagiarism (An Interdisciplinary Approach)” from August 5, 2021 to August11, 2021 organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre and Department of Business Economics, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi.
- Fungal Awareness Talk series from September 29-30 to October 01, 2021 organised by Department of Botany and Microbiology, Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi.
- Event “Let Food Be Thy Medicine” organized by Department of Biochemistry, Shaheed RajGuru College of Applied Sciences for Women held on September 28, 2021.
- Webinar entitled “Teacher’s e-Kit: A Four Quadrant Approach for Development of OERs for Higher Education” organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on September 09, 2021.
- Webinar entitled “The Importance of Data Visualization” organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on August 10, 2021.
- Webinar on ‘Arbuscular Mycorrhiza: A promise for sustainable cultivation of crops’ by Prof. Rupam Kapoor, organized by the Department of Botany, Deshbandu College, University of Delhi on March 3, 2021.
- Webinar on “Floriculture and Terrace Gardening” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Combating Climate Change, Bakoli, held on August 7, 2020.
- National seminar cum workshop on “e-Content, MOOCs (SWAYAM) and ARPIT” jointly organized by AICTE and Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre of MHRD at SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi held on August 31, 2019.
- One day workshop on “Gardening: Cultivate learning and living” organized by the Department of Botany, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi on September 20, 2017.